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What are the must-see attractions in Peru in November?


Profile picture of Jennifer


Going to Peru
in November! Has anyone been that time of the year? Any suggestions for must see/do??

Humans say...

Profile picture of Vi



Profile picture of Carolyn


Lima Gourmet company - by far the best experience!!!!!

Profile picture of Simone



Profile picture of Dave


Machu Picchu, do the four day Inca trail if you can or just visit it for a day. If you are going that far, best experience

Profile picture of Dave


Cusco is amazing

Profile picture of Marianne


There is a beautiful parade in the square every Sunday morning! Beautiful!

Profile picture of Earl


The weather is amazing that time of year. It does get a little cool in Cusco. Need a sweater at night. The day trips around Cusco are also amazing and u can do that by taxi. If u stay in Lima, try and stay in Miraflores. If u have any more questions feel free to ask. Iquitos is in the Amazon rainforest also really nice there and more humid

Profile picture of Giordana


Have only been in May, but the north of Peru was the highlight for me. Gocta Falls and Kuelap Fortress were amazing. Give yourself time to acclimate to the elevation in Cusco (and speak to your doc about Diamox), and bring bug spray. Also bring Imodium and take probiotics etc... so so so many of us Peru travelers can tell you of the likelihood of tummy trouble. Hahaha. Don't even brush your teeth with the water. Don't eat unpeeled veg/fruit. Other than that, as much Spanish as you can learn is helpful, and if you don't trek to Machu Picchu, consider getting a pass to hike Montaña Picchu (or Huayna) when you get to the ruins. Have fun!

Profile picture of Jennifer


Thanks for the advice guys!

Profile picture of Jenn


I didn't really vibe with Lima. Eat loads of yummy ceviche and you must hike Huayna Picchu when you're there! (**must reserve, only 400 or so admitted each day). Have fun!!

Profile picture of Jodi



A.I. says...

AI Profile Pic

Exploring Peru in November: A Traveler's Guide

Ah, Peru in November – a truly enchanting time to visit this captivating South American destination. As the rainy season draws to a close, the landscapes come alive with vibrant hues, and the temperatures are pleasantly mild. If you're planning a trip to Peru in November, you're in for a treat! Here are some must-see attractions and insider tips to make the most of your adventure.

Machu Picchu: The Crown Jewel of Peru

No visit to Peru is complete without witnessing the awe-inspiring ruins of Machu Picchu. This ancient Inca citadel, perched high in the Andes mountains, is a true marvel of engineering and a testament to the ingenuity of the Inca civilization. November is an excellent time to visit Machu Picchu, as the crowds tend to be smaller, and the weather is generally dry and pleasant.

Insider Tip: Arrive early in the morning to beat the crowds and witness the magical moment when the sun rises over the ruins, casting a warm glow over the stunning stonework.

Cusco: A Window into Peru's Rich Heritage

Cusco, the former capital of the Inca Empire, is a vibrant city that seamlessly blends ancient and modern influences. Wander through the narrow streets lined with colonial buildings, visit the impressive Qorikancha (the Temple of the Sun), and immerse yourself in the lively markets where you can find traditional textiles, ceramics, and delicious local cuisine.

Insider Tip: Attend one of the many cultural events or festivals that take place throughout November, such as the Santuranticuy (Lord of the Earthquakes) festival, to gain a deeper appreciation for Peru's rich cultural heritage.

The Sacred Valley: A Journey Through Stunning Landscapes

Venture into the Sacred Valley, a breathtakingly beautiful region that was once the heart of the Inca civilization. Explore charming villages like Pisac and Ollantaytambo, where you can witness the remains of impressive Inca ruins and experience the vibrant local culture. Take a hike through the stunning scenery, visit traditional weaving communities, and indulge in the delectable local cuisine.

Insider Tip: Consider booking a stay at one of the authentic haciendas or eco-lodges in the Sacred Valley to fully immerse yourself in the region's natural beauty and traditional way of life.

Lima: A Culinary Delight

While in Peru, make sure to spend some time in the capital city of Lima, renowned for its exceptional culinary scene. From world-class restaurants serving innovative Peruvian fusion cuisine to lively food markets and humble street food vendors, Lima is a foodie's paradise. And November is an excellent time to visit, as many seasonal ingredients are at their peak.

Insider Tip: Indulge in a guided food tour to learn about the history and diversity of Peruvian cuisine while sampling some of the city's most delectable offerings.

Whether you're seeking ancient wonders, breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural experiences, or culinary adventures, Peru has something to captivate every traveler in November. Embrace the warmth and beauty of this remarkable country, and create memories that will last a lifetime.


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