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Which Less Traveled Sites Should We Visit in Israel?


Profile picture of Bryn


Hey everyone!
My boyfriend and I are travelling through Israel this Jan 1-16th and are looking for recommendations! We're arriving/departing from Tel Aviv and looking to go to the Golan Heights, Jerusalem, the Dead Sea/Ein Gedi etc, and any exciting less traveled sites would be great too!
Also any tips on what city is best to travel through to get into Jordan, to see Petra and Wadi Rum, with any tips on reputable tour guides would be greatly appreciated. So we'd love any suggestions and advice for places to go, activities or accommodations along the way.
Thanks in advance!

Humans say...

Profile picture of Kevin


See if you can find a kibbutz along the Jordan River that hosts visitors. Really quiet and you can visit sights along the Jordan using it as your base.
Petra in the Kingdom of Jordan is worth going, being just next-door to Israel.
Last I heard you *must* go through Eilat (southern tip of Israel) to get to Jordan, so that is also worth a stop and do some snorkelling, if the temperature allows.
Orthodox Christmas is smack dab in the middle of your trip. Visit Bethlehem (and churches in Jerusalem general) for the experience, or avoid the crowds, depending on your religious affiliation! You'll need to go pass Palestine checkpoints if you are going into Palestine areas such as Bethlehem.

A.I. says...

AI Profile Pic

16-Day Itinerary for an Unforgettable Trip to Israel

Are you and your boyfriend excited for your upcoming trip to Israel? We're thrilled to help you plan an unforgettable adventure! Here's a detailed itinerary with recommendations for places to go, activities, accommodations, and tips for crossing into Jordan to explore Petra and Wadi Rum.

Day 1-3: Tel Aviv and the Golan Heights

  • Arrive in Tel Aviv and check into your hotel.
  • Explore the vibrant city of Tel Aviv with its beaches, markets, and nightlife.
  • Rent a car and drive to the Golan Heights, a beautiful region known for its stunning views and hiking trails.

Day 4-6: Jerusalem

  • Visit Jerusalem, a city steeped in history and culture.
  • Explore the Old City, home to the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
  • Take a day trip to Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus.

Day 7-9: Dead Sea and Ein Gedi

  • Drive to the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth.
  • Float in the salty waters and enjoy the therapeutic mud.
  • Hike in the Ein Gedi Nature Reserve, home to waterfalls, hot springs, and wildlife.

Day 10-12: Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee

  • Visit Nazareth, where Jesus spent his childhood.
  • Explore the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus performed many of his miracles.
  • Take a boat ride or go kayaking on the lake.

Day 13-15: Petra and Wadi Rum (Jordan)

  • Drive to Jordan via the Sheikh Hussein Border Crossing.
  • Hire a reputable tour guide to explore the ancient city of Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Spend a night under the stars in the vast desert of Wadi Rum.

Day 16: Return to Tel Aviv

  • Drive back to Tel Aviv and depart for home.

Tips for Crossing into Jordan

  • Obtain a visa upon arrival at the border crossing ($56 per person).
  • Consider hiring a local guide to navigate the border crossing process.
  • Be prepared for long wait times at the border.

Reputable Tour Guides for Petra and Wadi Rum

  • Jordan Horizons Tours
  • Petra Moon Tours
  • Rum Stars Camp

Accommodation Recommendations

  • Tel Aviv: The Norman Hotel, Brown TLV Hotel
  • Jerusalem: The American Colony Hotel, Mamilla Hotel
  • Dead Sea: Isrotel Dead Sea Hotel, Leonardo Club Dead Sea

We hope this itinerary helps you plan an incredible trip to Israel! Have a fantastic time exploring this beautiful and historic country.


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