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Thursday, March 6th 2025

"I'm a travel junkie who's hooked on deals from YYC." - Chris Myden

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What age did your baby start traveling with you?


Profile picture of Elina


Where was the first trip with your infant and how young were they?

Humans say...

Profile picture of Christin


4months, sometimes when they are younger it’s easier, esp if breastfeeding.

Profile picture of Andy


Took my 5 month old to Waikiki

Profile picture of Yvonne


Son was 4 months and I flew alone to Detroit. Daughter 4 months and son 2 years and went to Germany

Profile picture of Katy


8 week old we took him to Bali. It was the best trip and easier than expected

Profile picture of Carolina


My daughter was 3 months, we went to Peru

Profile picture of Jackie


3 months went on a Alaska cruise

Profile picture of Christin


My daughter was 4.5 months and we went to Las Vegas.

Profile picture of Theresa


We went on a 3 days cruise with our 8 month old.

Profile picture of Louise


4 months to Niagara Falls, then 6 months to Sedona and Palm Springs

Profile picture of Amber


6 1/2 months - now Amber puerto Vallarta Mexico

Profile picture of Deanne


Flew to Edmonton at five weeks old and again at four months. We also went to Vegas with a four month old and a 20 month old.

Profile picture of Sharon


Couldn’t afford to go anywhere!

Profile picture of Kelly


9 months - Hawaii

Profile picture of Courtney


Took my 3 month old to el salvador and my second was 5 months old when we flew to Phoenix drove to LA hopped on a plane to El Salvador and drove to Guatemala...babies are way easier to travel with then toddlers!

Profile picture of Erin


Courtney yes!

Profile picture of Valerie


Hawaii! Stroller friendly. Kid friendly.

Profile picture of Ryan


This sounds like a plane I don't want to be on.

Profile picture of Vanita


Ryan not very helpful

Profile picture of Ryan


Vanita You arent wrong. As it is their right to travel, it is mine to request a different seat or area on a plane, or complain on a travel message board. Isn't life grand. Also... travelling with infants on planes who ears aren't formed enough to adjust to the air pressure is torturing them... and everyone else on the plane.

Profile picture of Vanita


Ryan that’s true but you gotta re-read her question. She wasn’t asking for opinions I’m sure you can make your own post about your right to travel !

Profile picture of Alina


Vanita I will never forget the one time on a plane a woman arriving to sit in front of us and she heavily sighed and loudly complained about having to sit near a baby. Her husband looked embarrassed. Then the flight attendant comes around to check the overhead bins and she cannot close them and learns that the woman has brought 6 small pieces of carry on. The flight attendant told her to choose two pieces to keep and the rest will be check in or she has to get off the plane. The woman huffed and puffed but agreed. My infant did not make a peep at all during our whole flight to orange County.

Profile picture of Vanita


Alina adults are just as “annoying”! Ryan read the above

Profile picture of Kirsten


Disney at 2 months for the first overnight trip - we were living in Florida at the time; Bahamas cruise 2 months after that.

Profile picture of Marie


Took my youngest to her 6 week check up a week early, left from there to Disneyland

Profile picture of Vanita


Did Vegas with 4 and a half month old. It’s baby friendly with strollers for rental. We were not able to catch a show though

Profile picture of Katy


8 weeks, Mexico
was the best!!

Profile picture of Barb


Whistler for a weekend at about 1m old. Not recommended.
Short flight to Calgary- Banff approx. 4m old. Not bad, had help.
6months went solo (met hubby in 2nd country a few weeks later) to Aus, Malaysia, Japan for 6 weeks. Best age, vaccinated early with MMR. Breastfeeding primary helped a lot.

Profile picture of Gillian


We did Mexico with a 4 month old. It was totally doable. It was when we flew to Mexico with him at 2, that was way harder.

Profile picture of Nicole


Camping in Tofino at five weeks, three older siblings. She had entered the I'm-awake-and-crying-24-hours-a-day stage and I was pumping. Regrettable for me, older kids look back on it fondly.

Profile picture of Erin


6 months to Regina, and 14 months a month in Asia- Singapore, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Profile picture of Penny


Bareboat sailing in the BVIs with a 3 mo. old. Nursing made it easy.

Profile picture of Ruth


#1 child - 6 weeks old - road trip from Calgary through Montana & Idaho out to Oregon & up the coast to Vancouver then back through the Rockies.
#2 child (+ the 2 year old toddler) - 6 weeks old - Barbados via Toronto. Stayed 7 weeks.
Breastfeeding rocked on both trips as could do it anywhere. Road trip was easy, mostly ate, slept, pooped. Easier than a later camping trip with a just-walking little who didn't like the car seat.
Delayed luggage and heat in the Caribbean while singlehandedly taking care of a babe and a terrible two was a challenge, but we settled into a routine.

Profile picture of Chelsey


3 months . From bc to qc. Easy peasy.

Profile picture of Angela


11 months, we drove there

Profile picture of Matia


Edmonton (9 hours away) we drove. Pandemic baby hasn’t been very many places

Profile picture of Jennifer


Matia we’re hoping to drive to Edmonton from Vancouver when our babe is 6-7 weeks old this summer. How old was yours at the time if you don’t mind me asking? Did you stop lots?

Profile picture of Matia


Jennifer he was 4 months. He did great. I think being that young, your babe will do fine. We didn’t stop anymore than usual. 2-3 times for bathroom and food. Have you thought about driving through the night?

Profile picture of Jennifer


Matia we did consider leaving maybe middle of the night. My husband is a pro at long distance driving. Also have a 3 yr old. That could be a little more tricky but he’s pretty good in the car. I guess we’ll see how the new one sleeps at night. She’s not here for another week! Thanks for input:)

Profile picture of Lesley


8 weeks old..flying from Calgary to Ottawa

Profile picture of Tina


Vancouver to Puerto Vallarta for two weeks with a 3 month old.

Profile picture of Karen


9 mons and we went to Maui

Profile picture of Alexa


From Bali to Canada ( 21 hours flight total with layover ) and baby 6 month old.

Profile picture of Kim


Our daughter was 2 1/2 months and it was Vancouver to Toronto then Hamilton #Grandparents

Profile picture of Nando


9 months. YVR to Miami.

Profile picture of Sebastia


Robyn Lyn

Profile picture of Wendie


5 months - YVR - London, UK.

Profile picture of Johanna


My friends took their 3-month-old on a camping trip in New Zealand several years ago. They said it was easy

Profile picture of Sheila


Seattle, 6 weeks old, took him to a Seahawks game.
Quebec City, 3 months old.
Honolulu, 5 months old.
California, 6 months old.

Profile picture of Alina


Edmonton (5-6m), Disneyland (8m), NYC (11m). I wouldn't do NY again with a baby and a stroller. We have also flown to Hawaii too.
I do recommend purchasing a separate seat to install a airplane approved car seat. I did a lap baby to/from NY and it was so uncomfortable. For Hawaii we had to pay and my son slept each way in his car seat. Luckily my dad traveled with us and we just carried him sleeping in his car seat out of the plane.

Profile picture of Mk


Six Months - YVR-HNL

Profile picture of Matthew


My kids were born in Brazil and Thailand. Both went on their first airplane rides at about 1-2 months olds and a long haul flight at about 6 months. We purchased a car in Chile and drove to near San Pedro de Atacama at altitudes if close to 15,000 ft at ~5 months.

Profile picture of Meghan


Six months old to Mexico.

Profile picture of Miriam


Toronto, 2 months. We celebrated her due date while we were there

Profile picture of Naima


To Egypt and Morocco they were babies

Profile picture of Elina


Thanks everyone!! We are entertaining the idea of travelling with a 2-3 months old this fall,then more at about 6m and these answers give me lots of hope
probably more questions to follow…

Profile picture of Ahmad


To Vancouver. He was 10 months. Slept all the way through. Passengers around us complimented on the quiet baby

Profile picture of Grace


YVR to Edmonton - 5 weeks.

Profile picture of Mark


Maui - 6 months

Profile picture of Jo-duh


Thailand 7 mo.

Profile picture of Suzanne


Nova Scotia. 5 months.

Profile picture of Maryam


Maui, 6 months

Profile picture of Revina


Maui @ 4 months and 5 months

Profile picture of Ann


Ontario 3 months. Much better than Europe at 20 months.

Profile picture of Trina


Maui with both my kids. 2 and 3 months old. Easiest trip for both.

Profile picture of Joyce


3 weeks

Profile picture of Lorelle


Across Canada. 4 weeks old. With a 1.5 year old too.

Profile picture of Carly


Georgia, 4 months old

Profile picture of Ana


Mexico City at 5 months old

Profile picture of Mansi


One from India to Canada when she was 7 months old and second was from Canada to India when he was 5 months old

Profile picture of Mandee


2 months old. Went all over India on a 35 day tour. 17 hour plane ride each way. What were we thinking

Profile picture of Em


6 days old ! Vancouver to Prince George.

Profile picture of Chris


10 days old. 3 days camping - breast feeding, so easy.

Profile picture of Kim


Dubai at 7 months. It was a loooong flight. Ask for a bulkhead seat and bassinet if they have one. It was exhausting but I kept feeding based on home time so we didn’t have to adjust, then adjust back.

Profile picture of Erin


Kim, were you travelling alone or with a partner? I didn’t have a great experience and wonder if others have experienced the same. When I travelled alone with a 7week old (YVR-Amsterdam- Joburg-Antananarivo), I found that the bulkhead seat was the second seat in a row of 4. The problem was that I was trapped. With the bassinet in place, and a stranger on either side, I couldn’t easily get out to the aisle. It was actually awful. If baby cried or I needed the washroom, it was a whole ordeal. I felt SO bad for the people around me.

Profile picture of Geordie


Toronto to Vancouver 5 yrs old was my first flight

Profile picture of Marion


7 months old did Vancouver to Toronto. Stayed about 10 days. Then he was almost 14 months old Vancouver to Hawaii. Stayed a few weeks.

Profile picture of Erik


3 months. Easy to travel with newborn especially if you breast feed. Once they start crawling it becomes a lot harder!

Profile picture of Deve


3 months to Asia

Profile picture of Melody


11months Mexico

Profile picture of Kate


5 weeks old - Florida

Profile picture of Renee


4 months old. Writing On Stone Provincial Park in southern Alberta.

Profile picture of Yannick


4 months old. Went 10 days to London and 3 weeks across Italy.. from Venise to Sicily

Profile picture of Marisa


Europe 6 months. Interior bc at 2 weeks

Profile picture of Div


New Zealand & Fiji. 8 months.

Profile picture of Terri


I flew home from BC to Newfoundland when my son was 6 wks old and again when he was 18 months

Profile picture of Haermoni


Roadtrip from Vancouver to Calgary with a 3 week old

Profile picture of Denise


Hawaii at 12 weeks

Profile picture of Jaynelle


8 months, Japan

Profile picture of Lyn


6 weeks old -- From Canada to England.

Profile picture of Aimee


6 months Canada to Scotland

Profile picture of Brian


3 months old to Melbourne from Vancouver.

Profile picture of Sarah


5 months old Rome and Florence from Vancouver.

Profile picture of Brogan


Vancouver to London, 5 months old

Profile picture of Van


Vancouver Island- 1 month

Profile picture of Barbara


Took my 8 month old daughter to Mazatlan……she ate sand on the beach and got quite sick…In hindsite, spending that time with Gramma would have beena better plan.

Profile picture of Yvonne


Took each kid at 6 months old to Hawaii. They were fine on the plane. They loved the beach and water when they were there. Double stroller was handy for sure as we were able to put a shade around the stroller when they had to nap.

Profile picture of Pamela


One week old driving from Halifax to Toronto in June, he slept and ate.....

Profile picture of Shad


Cuba for two weeks 10 months old

Profile picture of Melissa


To Peru, he was 3.5 months old, and cried most of the flights

Profile picture of Marigna


Flew across Canada at 6wks old.

Profile picture of Deb


5 months old took our travel trailer and wandered south through the western US to northern Mexico for 5 months! Best , fun and easy decision ever!

Profile picture of Cat


3 weeks old Philadelphia to Vancouver. Flew at night and used a front baby carrier. She slept and I read my book

Profile picture of Andrea


Our son flew more in his first 2 years of life than he has from 2-20.
He was a great traveller. He would always wail while we were boarding but that's because I wouldn't feed him. Then I'd nurse as we were taking off and landing and during the flight he'd sleep or I'd entertain him with new toys. Never had a problem.

Profile picture of Erin


Exactly! Lots of ways to deal with flights & infants. But it’s not for the faint of heart.

Profile picture of Janet


4 months old, 1 week all inclusive in Puerto Vallarta. It was great, lots of poolside stroller naps.

Profile picture of Jennifer


Canada to Ireland at she 7 months.

Profile picture of Melanie


Canada to Ireland. He was 4 weeks old.

Profile picture of Makena


Vancouver to Palm Springs at 2 months, Kauai at 3

Profile picture of Lorena


To Mexico City she was 2 months for a month.

Profile picture of Diana


My older son was 6 months, we flew 13 hours to Hong Kong

Profile picture of Dani


Fredericton, NB to Vancouver, BC with 6 week old son. My mom passed in New Westminster, BC.

Profile picture of Colette


Back to Quebec from Germany.
3 weeks old

Profile picture of Erin


YVR- Amsterdam-Joburg-Antananarivo, at 7 weeks old.
Reverse order at 22 months.
YVR-Chicago-Paris-Antananarivo with a 2year old & 4 month old.

Profile picture of Carmen


First kid - 5 months San Francisco to Altlanta via Houston. Second kid 8 weeks, San Francisco to Bella Bella

Profile picture of Roya


One mounts old 36 hrs!
Tehran to Manila
Lay over in Singapore

Profile picture of Mary


3 weeks old, she slept in the suitcase in our tent while camping near Tofino.

Profile picture of Karen


1 week old, to Vancouver from Victoria. I don’t know what I was thinking … took him on the Skytrain and he caught a bad cold. Welcome to the world of germs!

Profile picture of Tyler


6 weeks old from kelowna to an all inclusive in mexico. Some people reacted negativity to us having a small baby there. It was an interesting study on human behavior really. She was breast fed and only strapped to us or in a stroller so we felt safe. Happy travels!

Profile picture of Erica


3 months old and we took him to France for 3 weeks! Best time to travel in my opinion

Profile picture of Katherin


London England and she was 3 months old

Profile picture of Peggy


Michelle Thorne pack EJs bags!!

Profile picture of Mandy


Uganda, at 2.5 months. Total flying time was over 24 hours with layovers. She did amazing! And just slept the whole time.

Profile picture of Janelle


8 weeks old for my oldest.
6 weeks old with my youngest.
Both to see family.

Profile picture of Esther


6 week old daughter in a box on the floor in a small Datsun pickup enroute to Saskatchewan to see family.

Profile picture of Hilary


We did a Rockies roadtip last year for 2 weeks. Baby was 3 months old. Round trip from Vancouver to Jasper/Banff/Lake Louise with some stops to break up the drives. Definitely glad we did it then because as they get older, and are having longer/fewer naps that are better in a crib in the dark, it's harder to get away with car/stroller/restaurant naps. That's what I've found anyways.

Profile picture of Carole


Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Daughter was 5 weeks old.

Profile picture of Helen


My son was 3 months old, daughter was 2. Took them on a flight by myself from LA to Vancouver, via Las Vegas. Used a baby carrier for my son and an umbrella stroller for my toddler. It wasn't too difficult

Profile picture of Vincent


10 months to Hawaii and again at 13 months to Japan. Had to bring along feeding pump, month worth of feeding bags for the pump, CPAP, oximeter, oxygen concentrator, and any related supplies and backup pieces.

Profile picture of Linda


6 months - we went to England for a year, then 3 years later we did it again with a new 6 month and a 3 yr old. I would totally rather travel with a baby than a toddler. Old rule: Before they walk and after they read/use a computer.

Profile picture of Beverley


3 months to England

Profile picture of Vicki


2 months, his first Seattle Sounder game 1981!

Profile picture of Natalya


3 months old. Tokyo, Japan.

Profile picture of Christin


I took a 2 month old and a two year old from Vancouver to New Zealand with a hour or so stop off in Hawaii (about 15 hours). I was the only parent travelling The airline didn't give me a bulk head seat with a bassinette. When we took off I was 30 years old - when we landed I was 47.

Profile picture of Kedy


Mexico 4 months !

Profile picture of Keith


Alaskam cruise, 1 yr old. Severe allergy.

Profile picture of Julia


13 weeks old. Drove from Fort Mcmurray to Victoria with a nice stop at Jasper.

A.I. says...

AI Profile Pic

Our First Trip with Our Infant

As new parents, the idea of traveling with an infant can be daunting. However, we decided to take the plunge and embark on our first family trip when our little one was just two months old.

The Destination: The Mountains

We chose to visit the picturesque mountains, just a few hours away from our home. The fresh mountain air, tranquil surroundings, and stunning vistas seemed like the perfect setting for our first adventure as a family.

Preparing for the Journey

Packing for an infant requires meticulous planning. We made sure to have an ample supply of diapers, wipes, bottles, formula (or breast milk), and a change of clothes for every hour of the day. We also packed plenty of blankets, a portable bassinet, and a few toys to keep our little one entertained.

The Drive

The car ride was surprisingly smooth. Our infant slept through most of the journey, with occasional breaks for feeding and diaper changes. We made frequent stops to stretch our legs and ensure our baby's comfort.

Embracing the Great Outdoors

Upon arriving at our destination, we were awestruck by the breathtaking scenery. We spent our days taking gentle strolls along the hiking trails, enjoying the fresh mountain air, and introducing our little one to the wonders of nature. The peaceful surroundings were a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Bonding as a Family

One of the most rewarding aspects of our trip was the opportunity to bond as a family. Away from the distractions of everyday life, we had the chance to focus solely on our little one and create cherished memories together. Every coo, giggle, and milestone was celebrated with joy and gratitude.

Lessons Learned

Our first trip with our infant taught us invaluable lessons. We learned to be flexible, patient, and to embrace the unexpected. We also discovered that traveling with a baby, while challenging at times, can be an incredibly rewarding and enriching experience.

As our little one continues to grow, we look forward to many more adventures together, creating lifelong memories and exploring the world as a family.

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