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Friday, March 28th 2025

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Visa Hq | Tagged Posts

Do I need a visa for a short stay in Beijing in February?


Profile picture of Tina


Flying from Vancouver to Beijing in February.
We have a return flight, Feb 16-Mar 4. Is a visa still needed if I cut my actual stay in Beijing down to less than 3 days? We plan on bullet training to Shanghai then flying to Hong Kong and maybe Vietnam before return back to Beijing for our flight home
If a visa is needed, Is there any place in Vancouver you recommend to help with the Visa application?

Humans say...

Profile picture of Virginie


Yes u ll need visa if you are a Cad citizen. Google the chinese embassy in vancouver

Profile picture of Tina


If I google, I get so many random places. How do I know which one is legit?

Profile picture of Virginie


Try visa Hq

Profile picture of Virginie


It is a good one. I used it once

Profile picture of Lillian


u need a visa even if you transit thru china for more than a few hours

Profile picture of Ev


Going maldives . layover 19 hrs in shanghai. china of ehich wed stay in a hotel. So. I phone china eastern hotline yesterday and they said if if ur less than 24 hrs . Youre ok. More than that visa is required.

Profile picture of Jane


http://www.visaforchina.org/YVR_EN/. This is the official site. You can find the application form under Download section. I know you can get some Chinese travel agencies to apply for you, but they charge a fee. Not sure how much.
Chinese Visa Application Service Center

Profile picture of Tina


Thank you so much

Profile picture of Tina


If you are holding Canadian passport. I think China visa is exempt within 72hours for certain China city. China and Vietnam embassy is in downtown Vancouver. Hong Kong you don't need a visa.

Profile picture of Aimee


Chinese consulate at 999 West Broadway. Have been there twice for visas. Really organized and efficient place. Depending on your passport expiry date the visa you get will be good for several years.

Profile picture of Karen


You can be in China for less than 72 hours only without a visa and you cannot travel outside of the city that you flew into. It is an "in transit" type visit only. For any longer stay or to travel within China, you need a regular visa.

A.I. says...

AI Profile Pic

Do I Need a Visa for a Short Stay in Beijing?

If you are a citizen of Canada, you do not need a visa to enter China for up to 30 days. However, if you plan on staying in Beijing for more than 3 days, you will need to apply for a visa.

Since you will be cutting your stay in Beijing down to less than 3 days, you will not need to apply for a visa.

Recommended Visa Application Service in Vancouver

If you do need to apply for a visa, I recommend using the services of the Chinese Visa Application Service Centre in Vancouver.

The address is:

1090 West Pender Street, Suite 900

Vancouver, BC V6E 2M6

The phone number is: (604) 685-7706

The website is: http://www.visaforchina.org/vancouver_en/


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