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Should I bring pesos or dollars to Mexico for a ten day all-inclusive in Cabo San Lucas?


Profile picture of Steve


Is it better to take pesos to Mexico or American dollars?We are going on a ten day all inclusive to Cabo San Lucas.Thank you in advance

Humans say...

Profile picture of JM


direct to pesos. remember, every transaction u make... u lose $$$ coz bankers or exhange places need to.make money

Profile picture of Scotty


Pesos... However, sometimes the exchange rate is better in Mexico, from the street vendors, but not from the banks. Besides, the bank lineups can be very long.

Profile picture of Veen


Get pesos here. I trade pesos, and there are places to get them here that are quite inexpensive, but doing it down there will out you dearly

Profile picture of Steve



Profile picture of Bob


I took pesos..Just remember the ratio..1000 pesos is about 62 dollars Canadian or around that...it worked out great

Profile picture of Lori


Americans dollars they love them

Profile picture of Madeline


No. Mexico is a sovereign nation that functions in pesos. For the businesses and people to handle pesos is very time consuming and they lose money in the process. They'll tell you they love them so as not to lose face but in fact w the strong money laundering laws it's difficult to deposit them or use them for larger purchases.

Profile picture of Donna


I've always taken CDN dollars or American and did the exchange in Mexico, so far I've done better than my friends that exchange before leaving home! Happy travels.

Profile picture of Cathy


Me 2

Profile picture of Madeline


Use your ATM card at any bank ATM located in a protected area (no stand alone 'payday' machines) to take out pesos you'll get that day's exchange rate.

Profile picture of Steve



Profile picture of Lori


American is worth more they don't want Canadian at vendors only banks with exchange and then only in pesos . Save yourself. Obey and take us American money .

Profile picture of Steve



Profile picture of Madeline



Profile picture of Lori


Madeline only I meant lol

Profile picture of Madeline



Profile picture of Donna


Yesterday at the front desk of our resort, I got 15.60 for my Cdn dollar, better than the rate at home right now, just sayin!

Profile picture of Madeline


I live in Mexico and deal w the service industry every single day. Trust me - USD are accepted but begrudgingly. Though a Mexican would never tell you that. They can't deposit more than $300 a day and they have to stand in long bank lines to do so. So they are forced to use them (vs. save them) to buy day to day items getting poor exchange rates. Respect the country and use pesos.

Profile picture of Komal


On a side note I'm wondering if you have any experience dealing with resorts who are double charging all their guests for the vacation package and charging us are having our wedding there by guest and per plate. I wonder if you have any experience with the same with an event to attended? TIA

Profile picture of Madeline


not sure I understand but if you are unhappy with the pricing you should speak to your hotel management/wedding planner and/or choose another venue. If you are being unfairly charged there is a consumer protection agency in Mexico that will advocate on your behalf (and they speak english.) 01.800.468.8722 http://www.profeco.gob.mx/english.htm
Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor

Profile picture of Donna


Also be careful of ATM machines, they can add whatever charge they want at some for the exchange fee, one transaction was equivalent of $75 American dollars but it was handy and I didn't understand all the wording, thought it was going to be $7.50, learned my lesson!

Profile picture of Britta


Just a question....what can you buy for 1000 pesos? A t-shirt? Bottle of water? Just checking for a budget...thx

Profile picture of Madeline


An outfit. An nice dinner. 35 beers. A week's worth of basic groceries. A car rental. Your hair done. Mani pedi and massage.

Profile picture of Dana


There's Scotiabank ATMs in Cabo. Best exchange rate and no fees if you're a customer with them.

Profile picture of Marc


If you go to the bank bring your phone and bring up the current rate for money exchange places and make sure you get a fair rate. Otherwise take cash to the exchange place. BC Currency Exchange and Happy Currency Exchange both have good rates and between them cover the whole lower mainland.

Profile picture of Anne


Don't take American .

Profile picture of Sarah


take pesos out of bank machine best rate but be prepared everything in cabo is in US dollars expect to spend a fortune we went last year make sure to ask for prices in pesos and tell them your not American

Profile picture of Linda


Phil Hartl

Profile picture of Dana


Please do not take USD. You are going to be double hit on the exchange rate and most likely be identified as American wherever you use it. Either use the ATM or convert CAD to Peso here. I recommend exchanging a small amount here in advance and taking your bank card and doing one large Peso withdraw using a reputable bank ATM in Mexico.

Profile picture of Steve


Thank you.Yea not the best time to be an American in Mexico

Profile picture of Jeannett


Pesos. The local s use it and get crap exchange for USD.

Profile picture of Sharron


We were on cruise ship and had American $$$. Bank would not exchange to Peso without passport. Just FYI. We have never found US frowned on. You really won't spend enough to worry about rate if all inclusive. Hotels will also exchange CDN.

Profile picture of Geri


Most hotels will convert for you, we took American ones to tip wait staff. Depends what you are planning to pay for.

Profile picture of Natasha


hotels will convert but you will get a better rate exchanging now

Profile picture of Ron


ATM. You won't need a lot of pesos since you are doing the All Inclusive

Profile picture of Michael



Profile picture of Joy


We went to Cabo twice and just brought USD as the resort accepted it. Was easier.

Profile picture of Kevin


Pesos. I was there last week

Profile picture of Terri



Profile picture of Geri


after watchin g the news headlines this afternoon - you may want to get pesos

Profile picture of Joanne


As people have mentioned...Scotia bank machines or what we found was exchanging our USD at either Soriana or Mega (grocery stores) had the best rates by far. That was in Mazatlan though...might be a bit different in Cabo...have fun!

Profile picture of Ranjit


Canadian dollars

Profile picture of Tracy


They take anything we were there and they took pesos America canadian.

Profile picture of Dana


There is no need to take USD to Mexico, those days are long over.
You are losing money by exchanging CAD to USD then to MXP.
The math
Canadian to American to Mexican
$1 CAD = $0.73 USD (cash rate exchange %)
$0.73 USD = 14.93 MXP (cash rate exchange %)
Canadian to Mexican
$1 CAD = 15.61 MXP (cash rate exchange %)
The difference is not extreme, but why would you give the bank more money then they already take? You do not get preferential treatment using USD, if anything they will charge more thinking you are American.

Profile picture of Steve


Awesome thankyou

Profile picture of Ranjit


Every time you exchange money you lose a fraction. So why would you want to exchange your money twice?

Profile picture of Sharron


At all-inclusive, cash spent is minimal. Our last few trips, we have changed CDN to pesos once there.

Profile picture of Lana


We take pesos

Profile picture of Marcie


Definitely pesos

Profile picture of Natalia


I just got back from PV and I had both.

Profile picture of Karen


It's mexico. The currency is pesos. Pesos, pesos, pesos.

Profile picture of Tito


I go every year and we just spend Canadian dollars there now, with no issues.

Profile picture of Karen


Pesos are the currency of mexico...when you use foreign currency of any kind it causes problems for those who receive it as they have strict regulations at the bank on foreign currency.

Profile picture of Tito


True but, I believe the restrictions are on US dollars only.

Profile picture of Karen


Tito again, Pesos are the OFFICIAL currency of Mexico. just as Canadian dollars are the official currency of Canada. would you expect someone to accept pesos at the Bay or Safeway? wouldn't happen. As a part time resident here in Mexico, I see Canadians exchange CDN to USD (getting ripped off during the transaction) then try to use USD here. Most restaurants and businesses do NOT give the proper bank rate so you end up paying again by being shortchanged on the USD exchange. The easiest and best way is to just use a bank machine ( Banamex is the cheapest on transaction fees) here to withdraw pesos and your Canadian Bank will automatically exchange at the bank rate.

Profile picture of Sharron


Right. You don't spend much cash at All-inclusive donor a big deal!

A.I. says...

AI Profile Pic

Is it Better to Take Pesos or American Dollars to Mexico?

A Quick Guide for Travelers

When traveling to Mexico, especially to popular tourist destinations like Cabo San Lucas, deciding whether to bring pesos or American dollars can be confusing. Here's a breakdown to help you make an informed decision:

Advantages of Taking Pesos:

* Better Exchange Rates: You'll generally get a better exchange rate for pesos if you exchange them before leaving your home country.
* Widely Accepted: Pesos are the official currency of Mexico and are accepted everywhere, unlike American dollars.
* Avoid Additional Fees: Some businesses may charge extra fees for accepting American dollars, but they can't do that with pesos.

Advantages of Taking American Dollars:

* Widely Accepted in Tourist Areas: In Cabo San Lucas, American dollars are widely accepted in tourist areas, especially in resorts and restaurants.
* Convenience: You can skip the hassle of exchanging currency if you bring American dollars.
* Emergency Currency: American dollars are a globally recognized currency and can be helpful as an emergency backup.

Recommendation for an All-Inclusive Trip:

Since you're going on a 10-day all-inclusive trip to Cabo San Lucas, the main expenses such as accommodation, food, and drinks will be covered by your package. Therefore, you won't need to carry a significant amount of cash for daily expenses.

Based on this, it's generally recommended to take a small amount of pesos (around $200-$300) for incidentals like souvenirs, tips, or excursions. You can exchange them at the airport or your hotel upon arrival. However, you can also rely mainly on American dollars in Cabo San Lucas as it's a popular tourist destination where American dollars are widely accepted.

Tips for Using American Dollars:

* Always ask for the exchange rate before making purchases with American dollars.
* Be aware that some businesses may offer a less favorable exchange rate or charge a fee for accepting American dollars.
* Pay attention to the prices of items in both pesos and American dollars to make informed decisions.

Remember, the choice between pesos and American dollars ultimately depends on your personal preferences and travel style. By following these guidelines, you can ensure you have the right currency for your trip and enjoy your stay in Cabo San Lucas.

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