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How to Travel in Tuscany with a Non-Walking 1-Year-Old?


Profile picture of Adrienne


Advice please, we are traveling to Tuscany in June with a giant 1 year old who can't walk yet. He is too heavy to use a traditional carrier and I'm not sure how feasible a stroller is. Do we get a hiking backapck and stick him in it? If so, do we find room in our suitcase for this? Do we bring the uppababy stroller or go with an umbrella one? HELP! We have rented a car for the duration of our trip. Opinions and advice greatly appreciated from two parents with sore backs

Humans say...

Profile picture of Ann


What part of Tuscany? I just returned last week. It will be hot to carry a 1 year old all the time. There were lots of people with strollers. Just be prepared to have to carry the stroller and baby up some stairs periodically. People are always willing to help if need be n

Profile picture of Barb


There are travel strollers that instead of unbuttoning the baby fir stairs, you unbutton a cradle with baby in it which makes it far easier on baby.

Profile picture of Christin


You can get carriers for toddlers that aren’t hiking backpacks. They can be quite comfortable

Profile picture of Michelle


Christin we used a lillebaby toddler carrier with my 90th percentile 18 month old in Mexico and it was quite comfortable, like an assisted piggy back. We used a cheap umbrella stroller for getting from place to place by bus but getting around the city a carrier was better with uneven streets and lack of sidewalks

Profile picture of Jessica


I'd take a small travel stroller. Get somthing better than the umbrella ones as they are hard on your back cuz they are small and generally don't recline. We used Summer lite stroller we got it second hand from fb market place. It reclines so they can nap on the go. Has uv protectant shade and folds super small. Very light weight

Profile picture of Gill


A stroller will be your friend especially if they sleep in it, many a late night meal is shared with a sleeping baby in the stroller at Italian restauarants. You will be able to put it on the plane for no fee.

Profile picture of Rhonda


You can gate check a stroller, car, folding crib for the plane at no charge

Profile picture of Rhonda


Also other things like water and baby puches are allowed on the pkane for kids under 2

Profile picture of Rhonda


Umbrella strollers are so uncomfortable for kids. I woukd look up folding travel stroller on amazon and buy the one for 199, you can also buy a little back pack for it. It folds up so tiny you won't believe it. Went on 2 trips with it with my grandkids, so awesome.

Profile picture of Lauren


We recently travelled with the Ubbababy g-luxe and loved it - were so grateful to have something for our 1yr to sit in that could also quickly fold & be thrown in a car.
Beware - any stroller you travel with runs the risk of getting damaged by the airlines (likely). Consider buying a used one to save some $.

Profile picture of Masika


Take a stroller with big wheels. When I was in Tuscany I saw so many families struggling with strollers on the cobblestone streets everywhere.

Profile picture of Gabriela


I used a Lillebaby Airflow carrier in Europe in August 2019, it was hot but bearable in 35+ degree weather. That carrier is good to 60 lbs.

Profile picture of Nola


I've flown with my citi mini gt and gate checked it. I also took a summer lite umbrella type of stroller when I went to the UK and it was great.

Profile picture of Geoff


Keep in mind you don't buy strollers, you rent them
Buy whatever works for you, then sell it afterwards on Craigslist. There is always lots of interest in strollers.

Profile picture of Geoff


When our daughter was 2 we wheeled her around Europe in her Bugaboo stroller. It folded up and came in a travel bag so you could just leave it at the airplane jet bridge.

Profile picture of Geoff


You will need their car seat for your rental car, so that we just put in her airplane seat. After that, you just leave it in the rental car.

Profile picture of Geoff


I just put straps on the car seat and wore it on my back, but there are also bags for that purpose.

Profile picture of Geoff


You'll find that in Europe, people think nothing of helping others with strollers. We would try to navigate down stairs and a stranger would just pick up one end without asking and help carry it up or down.

Profile picture of Mon


Geoff yup, people do that in Czech republic as well. They won't usually even ask you.

Profile picture of Lesley


What area are you staying?

Profile picture of Sharron


Buy a cheap stroller once there and donate when you leave.

Profile picture of Sydney


We just got the babyzen yoyo stroller to travel Europe with! It’s so light and folds up really easily and tiny, it can fit in the airplane aisles and in the overhead compartment or under a seat. Airlines are familiar with it

Profile picture of Teresa


We travelled with a baby in Italy. Be sure your stroller has sun coverage - it will be hot. And try for one that’s not too heavy. There are so many stairs … so you’ll have to carry baby and stroller up and down them. Good luck! The beautiful thing is that Italians love a baby! You’ll get lots of help and positive attention.

Profile picture of Lisa


Teresa Yes, agree with this - the Italians love children and are so helpful.

Profile picture of Aubry


A good soft structured carrier should be good at 1. I took my enormous 18 month old to Europe in my Tula. Folds up small a small all that, quite comfy as a backpack. I’d do the umbrella stroller over the big one. A lot of Italy is old and strollers aren’t great anyway

Profile picture of Trinh


We just came back from a 3.5 weeks trip including Italy with a 1.5 yr old and 3 yr old. We have the foldable Zoe travels stroller. We push it right onto the plane then fold it and put it in the overhead. It was a life saver. Especially climbing all the stairs to the apts in Italy (airbnb's). It also adjusts to lie down and the top comes allllll the way down to cover their faces during day naps. Def doesn't FEEL as good as my UPPAbaby on the cobblestone lol

Profile picture of Trinh


Our 3 yr old always wanted the stroller and I baby wore my 1.5yr old and my body feels broken now lol

Profile picture of Beth


get a good soft structured carrier like a Tula

Profile picture of Janelle


Bring the stroller free to gate check it you will thank yourself lol used one for my twins while in Mexico

Profile picture of Ellie


You may be able to rent a stroller in Florence? I think maybe a hiking carrier may be more versatile for the cobblestones, stairs, and general mobility.

Profile picture of Elena


I’d recommend if you do get a different stroller get it early and use it for some time. We borrowed a friend’s old uppababy cruz to travel in Europe, we found bulky and cumbersome and our kid wouldn’t nap in it either (like her usually stroller). A carrier would be great, but the towns in tuscany are all on-top of hills, so depends on your car situation

Profile picture of Rosemary


I kinda want to see this giant baby. I have an image in my head of a literal giant baby! Have fun!

Profile picture of Rhonda


Stinky hot with back pack . grab A heavy duty umbrella , lots of cobblestone that can make for bumpy rides Check your stroller separately and a car seat unless you rent one from the car rental. have a blast so awesome

Profile picture of Dawn


Umbrella stroller!

Profile picture of Dawn


Umbrella stroller!

Profile picture of Dawn


We used ours in Italy and London and Disneyland
It’s too hard carrying and too hot

Profile picture of Ross


Just got back from Italy where we brought our “beast” uppbaby. It is a dream in cities, just a tad tricky on big sets of stairs. Bring it!

A.I. says...

AI Profile Pic

Traveling to Tuscany with a 1-Year-Old: Stroller or Backpack?

Planning a trip to Tuscany with a little one can be both exciting and challenging. With its stunning landscapes, rich history, and delectable cuisine, Tuscany promises an unforgettable experience. However, navigating the region with a 1-year-old who can't walk yet presents its own set of considerations. Should you opt for a stroller or a hiking backpack? Let's explore the pros and cons of each option.

The Stroller Dilemma

Strollers offer convenience and a comfortable ride for your little one. The Uppababy stroller, being a high-quality option, is designed for versatility and maneuverability. However, in a region like Tuscany, with its cobblestone streets and uneven terrain, a full-sized stroller might prove cumbersome.

If you choose to bring the Uppababy stroller, consider the following:

  • It may be challenging to navigate narrow alleyways and crowded areas.
  • Some historic sites and attractions may have limited accessibility for larger strollers.
  • You'll need to carefully plan your routes and be prepared for lifting the stroller occasionally.

An alternative could be an umbrella stroller. These lightweight and compact options are easier to maneuver and can be folded up for transportation in your rental car. However, they may not provide the same level of comfort and support for extended periods.

The Hiking Backpack Solution

A hiking backpack designed for carrying children can be a game-changer for your Tuscany adventure. With your little one securely strapped to your back, you'll have both hands free to navigate the terrain and enjoy the sights.

Here are some advantages of using a hiking backpack:

  • Increased mobility and access to narrow paths and stairs.
  • Ability to tackle uneven terrain and outdoor activities more comfortably.
  • Easier transportation in your rental car or on public transportation.
  • Keeps your child close and secure, reducing the risk of wandering off.

However, it's essential to consider the weight and potential strain on your back, especially for extended periods. Investing in a high-quality, well-padded backpack with proper back support is crucial to avoid discomfort or injury.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the decision between a stroller or a hiking backpack will depend on your specific travel plans, personal preferences, and your child's temperament. If you anticipate exploring Tuscany's scenic countryside and historic towns with their narrow streets, a hiking backpack might be the more practical choice. However, if you plan to primarily visit larger cities and stick to paved areas, a lightweight umbrella stroller could be a more convenient option.

Regardless of your choice, don't forget to pack plenty of snacks, hydration, and entertainment for your little adventurer. And most importantly, embrace the journey and create lasting memories in the beautiful Tuscan landscape.

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