Friday, March 28th 2025

"I'm a travel junkie who's hooked on deals from airports that start with Y."

Where would you travel with a 20-month-old toddler, excluding the US or Mexico?


Profile picture of Alvin


Parent where would you travel to with a 20 month old toddler, that is NOT the US or Mexico?
- tips on travelling with a toddler?
- what is the max duration of flight for a toddler?
- toddler on lap or buy a seat for the toddler?

Humans say...

Profile picture of Julia


Anywhere! As long as you have a good routine and can carry your supplies … this is the best and easiest time. I took mine to Russia ( 9 years ago might not be going these days ) and to Malaysia .

Profile picture of Sylbeth


Anywhere! we’ve taking our boys to Mexico X3, to Philippines X2 and Hawaii (and other places). They’re 9 and 5. the youngest we’ve taken them was at 6 months old. My rule is when on the plane, anything goes. If they want snack they get it, if they want their tablets they get it. If they want that cookie or chips they get it. Anything to keep them happy. BUT when we land, back to rules and schedules. This has always worked for us no problem. they also get to pick and choose they snack we pack for them.

Profile picture of Angie


We took ours to England and it was tough. There was no facility for strollers to get on and off the Underground. Jet lag was also tricky to navigate because our little guy just didn't get that it's not play time at 3am. It was a good trip, but not restful.

Profile picture of Laura


We looked into Portugal, Spain and Thailand. This was just before Covid and our trip never happened though.
If you are going for longer then a 6 hour flight I would buy the toddler a seat. We have done quite a few flights with our kids under 2 and at that age they want to move around a ton so having them on your lap is a pain.

Profile picture of Jaye


We did a month in Vietnam at that age… it worked out SO well!

Profile picture of Amber


It’s all dependent on your willingness to want it and you knowing the limits of your child at their age. My two kids had been to Africa 3 times before the age of 5. Plan, prepare and go!

Profile picture of Karen


In four months toddler will be 2yo and you will have to buy a seat from then on. At this age I’d stick to Mexico frankly, or you can choose any Caribbean destination. They’re all awesome…Crossing to Europe or Asia the kids jet lag alone will kill any fun… btw, hurricane season starts down there around august

Profile picture of Kate


I know you said not Mexico but we took our one and a half year old to Mexico for 3 months and it was a total blast. It's a short flight there's no time change, there's enormous grocery stores with everything you could need, and flying within Mexico is so easy as well if you want to see more than one place.

Profile picture of Kate


We rented airbnb's and have stayed in mostly in Oaxaca, in the city and down by the ocean, as well as PDC and Puebla. When we go back it will be Zihau, PV, and maybe Baja!

Profile picture of Cailey


We are taking our 2.5 yr old to Spain!
I would definitely buy a seat for them and bring a car seat if you have it available, as that’s the safest way to travel. They’ll likely also feel more comfortable as that’s what they’re used to travelling in

Profile picture of Kaitlin


Cailey when are you going!?

Profile picture of Laurie


I do think it depends on your child. My older one would have been fine anywhere. My younger one needed the security of home or a place that we could make like a home - not traveling around to various locations.

Profile picture of Janelle


I totally agree! It all depends on the kid(s).

Profile picture of Aubry


We did western Europe with landing in London and going from there at about that age. She was a champ! We had her on our lap and it was alright. Would have been easier with a seat probably but
. Get a good carrier for sure so they can nap wherever and adjusting to jet lag. And if you’re breastfeeding don’t stop is my main tip
. Having someone on the other solids on that time zone is dang handy if you have that chance. My sister was living over that way and she could stay up with my daughter when she was up at night and I was bagged. Took about a week for her to fully adjust so I’d suggest a few weeks trip if possible so you don’t turn around as soon as you’re adjusted

Profile picture of Scott


As a passenger who has been on long flights (8-13 hours, give or take) with babies and toddlers present, all I can say is go for it.
They’ll get fussy, their ears will hurt on takeoff and they won’t know why, and they may even cry. ‘Cause, they’re babies.
Enjoy your trip. Just bring extra crackers and random things they can play with. I’d recommend not handing them your key ring, etc. Anything you can’t afford to lose on the plane, don’t give it to them. Now that pissy passenger next to you .. give the kid his keys.

Profile picture of Laura



Profile picture of Alina


We would love to take our kids to Japan. We thought it was very easy to travel around using their transit system. All trains had elevators if you are using a stroller and the signs are in English. Clean public washrooms everywhere. We saw kids be given new wrapped activity kits/small toys in sit down ramen places. So many museums, tourist sites and theme parks to see.
I do recommend buying a plane seat for your toddler. It just makes the flight more comfortable. We do install a car seat and our son always falls asleep in it. I don't think a car seat is necessary in Japan since transit is so easy to use going around the whole country.

Profile picture of Cheryl


Vietnam or Italy

Profile picture of Becky


French Polynesia. It’s so beautiful there. We just got back. We usually connect through Hawaii but you can also connect through California (most people do California) We have adult children now but we did see children on the plane and at the resort (including babies) and it’s not overcrowded. It will feel like you have the whole place to yourself including the beaches. Plus, you can rent a VBRO and stay in a villa/bungalow for a lot less than you would think

Profile picture of David


Costa Rica

Profile picture of Riana


Check out the group Tiny Globetrotters: Travel The World With Kids for lots of kids travel advice.

Profile picture of Michelle


We took our then 16 month old to Barcelona and Scotland (Edinburgh, Aberdeenshire area). We had him sit on our lap as it was way cheaper. Both places were very kid friendly - an older couple in Barcelona offered to entertain our so. During dinner so we could eat in peace! We had a stroller, but the carrier/hiking carrier were used much more. The trains in Scotland were very easy to use and the pubs seemed very used to babies/toddlers. Museums in Scotland were all admission by donation.

Profile picture of Ryan


For the people saying “bring a car seat”, maybe you’re just referring to the plane ride, but be aware that it is not legal to use Canadian car seats in the EU and many other countries (and vice versa). If you are renting a car, you will also have to rent a car seat locally, or use cabs/uber that offer car seats.

Profile picture of Roselle


If its a flight more than 3 hours, I say wherever it is, purchase his/her own seat. Gives room for naps/sleep, play and eat. Its never guaranteed that a flight is not full so thats for your own peace of mind that toddler has own space next to you. 20 month old would wanna go up and down and all around just to get that sensory fix so toys and snacks

Profile picture of Julie



Profile picture of J


Walmart and back

Profile picture of Lynne


buy a seat!

Profile picture of Camille


Locally: Parksville or Tofino area. Abroad: somewhere with a <4 hr flight. Just depends on how adventurous you are. At that age, I would consider the room for napping, stroller friendly, ease of transportation, covid requirements, availability of food/snacks.

Profile picture of Kindi


Middle Beach Lodge or Crystal Cove in Tofino

Profile picture of Aileen


We went to Australia when our son was just shy of two it was absolutely the best trip! Australia is very child friendly. Many pubs and cafes have an area for toddlers set up. I would highly recommend the great ocean road area (torquay is a great little town), or up northern rivers way Byron Bay (but accommodation is very pricey). We flew with him on my lap and it went really well. air canada was fantastic! Awesome staff, just packed new toys, headphones, snacks etc.

Profile picture of Janelle


I think it really depends on the child. We went to Europe with our oldest when he was 14 months. He would nap any and everywhere until he stroller. So the whole trip worked pretty well.
There is no way I would I want to do that same trip with our youngest. She really struggles sleeping outside of her crib. So 12 hours days, long flights, and times changes would just be miserable.
For context, we are quite well traveled and are very flexible while vacationing. But some kids are just harder to do the tourist thing with.

Profile picture of Karolina



Profile picture of Ter



Profile picture of Barry


Mexico we have done it 4 times

Profile picture of Becky


If it's more than a few hour flight, buy a seat and strap a carseat in it. I flew Vancouver to Singapore (a 7 and 14 hr flight) and the toddler stayed in buckled in their carseat almost the whole time. You need to ensure the carseat is certified for air travel (most are) - check the label and be prepared to argue with the flight attendants and onto the plane with it. But it is allowed, safest and makes the best flights. Super easy. Would have been a nightmare without. It's easy for them to sleep in their "own" carseat. It's also significantly safer for the toddler. Any sort of big turbulence or hard landing and you won't have the strength to hold them and they will get hurt. Gate check your stroller so that you have it in the airport.

Profile picture of Charlene


Becky What was the reason you had to argue about the car seat with the flight attendant?! We’re planning on taking ours on a flight in two weeks…

Profile picture of Becky


Charlene Calamasa Some car seats are not certified for air travel. We were flying with a canadian car seat on airlines based out of Asia. The label on the side of the carseat was checked at the check in gate; at the airplane gate; and again by the stewardesses on the plane. You just need to be firm that it is approved and point to the label. One plane I had already buckled the carseat in with the toddler in it and I had 3 stewardesses climbing over the seat trying to read the label which happened to be on the window side to ensure it complied. There was 3 of them because reading english was not their strong suit and the extra French label (canada's second language) had them really confused. Also you need to buckle in the seat into a window seat to allow for emergency exit. Flying Canadian/America airlines I've never been a problem.

Profile picture of Larissa


Will your 20 month old sit quietly on your lap for the duration of the flight? If not, do every other passenger on your flight a favour and purchase your child their own seat.

Profile picture of Heather


I’ve heard Italy is very good for kids that age. Everyone is supportive

Profile picture of Kevi



Profile picture of Felicity


It depends on the toddler. Mine at two yrs old did a two day road trip. We left after breakfast and stopped at bedtime. I would tell him when was the next stop. I also wrapped dollar store things and numbered them. The cheat sheet was with them. Then when I knew where to find the thing that would help right now. Candy was the last resort. The wrapping gives them something extra to do. Remember gum or sucker for landing. I can’t tell you where to go.

Profile picture of Rikia


Small wrapped gifts just before each meltdown! Paint with water, mini figs to put together, book with new textures, stuffie, car, transformer, whatever you can find at the dollar store. Distraction distraction distraction. Good luck!

Profile picture of Robert


Stay local.

Profile picture of Catherin


Anywhere! Teaching them how to adventure, roll with the mishaps and see the beauty in any untimely detours. (Started young with my two and the last trip was back packing in Ecuador for 21 days). Travelled cheap and immersed with the locals.

Profile picture of Dana


We went to Italy when our daughter was 2.5. We had a great time. Very child-friendly country and jet lag was zero issue for her. The main adjustment we made is we didn’t move around a lot -a week in Positano and over a week in Tuscany, including a few days in Florence. We saw a lot of the Amalfi coast and a good part of Tuscany but limited our home bases. Always more stuff to lug when travelling with kids. Have fun!!

Profile picture of Kaytee


The park

Profile picture of April


Kaytee lol for real

Profile picture of Becky


I also recommend night flights, because the kids sleep the whole time

Profile picture of Annette


Travel to family's house.. drop off kid.. then go to the Maldives!

A.I. says...

AI Profile Pic

The Perfect Toddler-Friendly Travel Destination: Costa Rica

As a parent with a 20-month-old toddler, finding the ideal vacation spot can be a daunting task. You want a destination that offers a blend of adventure, relaxation, and family-friendly activities. Look no further than the vibrant and diverse Costa Rica, a Central American paradise that promises an unforgettable experience for you and your little one.

Why Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is a true gem for families with young children. Its rich biodiversity, stunning natural landscapes, and laid-back "Pura Vida" (Pure Life) lifestyle make it an ideal choice for a memorable family vacation. From lush rainforests and pristine beaches to captivating wildlife and kid-friendly attractions, Costa Rica has something for everyone.

Tips for Traveling with a Toddler

  1. Pack Smart: Bring essentials like snacks, toys, books, and a change of clothes for unexpected messes. A portable travel cot or a compact stroller can also be handy.
  2. Embrace the Rhythm: Toddlers thrive on routine, so try to maintain their regular nap and mealtimes as much as possible.
  3. Slow Down: Resist the temptation to cram too many activities into your itinerary. Allow ample time for rest, relaxation, and spontaneous playtime.
  4. Embrace the Adventure: Toddlers are naturally curious, so embrace their sense of wonder and be open to exploring new sights, sounds, and experiences.

Max Duration of Flight for a Toddler

While there is no definitive rule, most experts recommend keeping flights under 6 hours for toddlers. Longer flights can be challenging as toddlers have shorter attention spans and may become restless or irritable. If your travel plans involve longer flights, consider breaking them up with stopovers or choosing direct routes whenever possible.

Toddler on Lap or Buy a Seat?

This decision depends on personal preference, budget, and the length of your flight. For shorter flights, having your toddler on your lap can be more convenient and cost-effective. However, for longer journeys or if you prioritize comfort and space, purchasing a separate seat for your toddler may be a better option. This will allow them to move around more freely and potentially sleep better.

Whichever option you choose, remember to bring age-appropriate entertainment, snacks, and familiar comfort items to keep your little one engaged and happy during the flight.

Embrace the adventure, and let the natural wonders and warm hospitality of Costa Rica create lasting memories for your family.

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