Tuesday, February 11th 2025

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How Can a Foreign Exchange Program Benefit Your Teen?


Profile picture of Kayla


Any family's from BC have their highschool aged child do a foreign exchange that could tell me about their experience? My daughter wants to apply

Humans say...

Profile picture of Leanne



Profile picture of Dianne


We volunteered with Interculture Canada (AFS) and hosted six students. They are still our family many years latter. We also worked with Canadians going abroad and I am sure the majority had a wonderful experience.

Profile picture of Mihaela


When I was in grade 10, I went on a 3 month exchange to France with a company called OSEF. You can pm me if you have any questions

Profile picture of Natasia


My daughter did the same 3 month exchange with OSEF in France and lived her time there

Profile picture of Brette


I did a rotary youth exchange when I was 16. It was an amazing experience and the program is exceptionally well run. I highly recommend.

Profile picture of Kayla


Brette This is what she is looking to apply to, she will be 15 in January and the departure date is August, where did you go?

Profile picture of Brette


it was a very long time ago but I went to Japan. There’s a lot of structure around the program and they take really good care of students. I know people who have stayed involved in the program and everyone still says amazing things about it. I later on ended up getting a scholarship through Rotary to do a Masters’ degree, so I’m a big fan of the organisation.

Profile picture of Katherin


Kayla my family was a Rotary family in the 80s and 90s. I did an exchange to South Africa in 1989/1990 (also EFS to France in the summer of 1987, but that was not as good). After my exchange, I started a Rotex organization in our district which is still going strong. I worked with the inbounds and supported the outbounds as a non-rotarian member of the district exchange committee. There is a lot of support in the program.

Profile picture of Adrienne


Kayla I too was a Rotary Exchange student when I was 17 (a long time ago
). I went to Bolivia and it was the experience of a lifetime. I’ve never regretted it. Highly recommend the Rotary program which is very well run.

Profile picture of Emmett


When I was a teenager I did a foreign exchange with Rotary International and it was an amazing experience. It is also a non-profit so has a different vibe than a lot of the for profit programs.

Profile picture of Kayla


Emmett this is what she is looking into, any advice for her for the interview process? Where did you go?

Profile picture of Emmett


Kayla The Philippines for a year. It was a long time ago and I am sure the process has changed. The most important part is to be independent, flexible and generally open minded.

Profile picture of Emmett


Also, the Philippines was an incredible experience. All the students had a lot of training before they left and support on the way home. I was 15/16 and think it was more of an adjustment for my folks for me to be away for a year at that age. Also, I was extremely independent when I got home so they adjusted so that I had very few rules my last year of high school (which helped).

Profile picture of Lori


Emmett another good point. Kayla, expect that she will be very grown up when she comes back

Profile picture of Kelly


Kayla my daughter went to Germany for a year with the Rotary Exchange in 2019. It was a wonderful experience!

Profile picture of Frances


I went to France for a year when I was 16 with EF (2005). I made friends there with international students from Canada going through Rotary, and their experience seemed the same as mine besides costing much less and having a few requirements such as reporting back to rotary from time to time saying how they were doing.
Happy to chat more if you'd like. That year was so good for me, albeit challenging at times. Definitely recommend doing it!

Profile picture of Jenn


Cassie Harrison you may be able to give some insight

Profile picture of Kathleen



Profile picture of Lori


i did the Rotary Exchange to Finland in 1981. So much has changed, especially the ability to stay in touch with your family (not sure if that is a pro or a con, to be honest). It was an amazing experience. My only concern is that the younger kids had a tougher time with homesickness, to the point that they went home before Christmas. Most of us were 17/18. I agree with Emmett regarding the attributes - independent, flexible and open-minded.

Profile picture of TF


Lori omg I think about that all the time. Would've been so much easier with email and Facetime!

Profile picture of Lori


right? the hours I spent writing letters!

Profile picture of Karen


Hi Kayla,
I have two sons who did the Rotary exchange in 2013 and 2016, one to Germany and one to Argentina. I also am a liaison for the inbound and outbound kids and have hosted as well. You are welcome to chat with me for more realistic information!

Profile picture of Kayla


Karen Have PM'd you

Profile picture of Raz


Karen May I also message you?

Profile picture of Karen


Nicholas Amanda Rasmussen Absolutely!

Profile picture of Sue


Www.d5040youthexchange.ca. If you are in B.C.
Rotary Youth Exchange – District 5040

Profile picture of Judith


I think it is a wonderful experience. Both my daughters did a 2 week exchange to France in high school through French Immersion. Accompanied by their high school teachers during the day, they stayed with a family and attended the French high school. Weekends were free to hang out with their French student. It was fun to host a French student in return. From this experience they both did exchanges through university also. One did a full year and got to travel throughout Europe, the other just one semester.

Profile picture of TF


I did the Rotary one in the mid 90s. For the most part it was a great experience!

Profile picture of Katherin


This program is running now but is full.

Profile picture of Penny


Our son went to France for a month in July through OSEF and returned with his exchange host. He stayed with us for the month of August. Pm me if you have any questions

Profile picture of Jaye


Best most shaping year of my life! Do not hesitate-jump at the opportunity!

Profile picture of Deanna


Most incredible thing I did in high school

Profile picture of Kristy


I did it in high school! Spent the most incredible year of my life with a family in Mexico. It was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had!

Profile picture of Carmen


Our son did a Spanish exchange through Immaculata High school 3 years ago. Great experience! Next week my husband and I will be in Europe and will finally meet in person our’Spanish family’. These experiences open our kid’s eyes to a whole other culture and world. Highly recommend!

Profile picture of Kristina


I went to Germany for 6 months in grade 10 in the early 2000s and absolutely loved it. My exchange partner and I have met up in person (in Germany or Canada) five times since and we are in regular contact. My parents flew to Germany to attend her wedding (I was unable to go). Most amazing experience and totally worth it!

A.I. says...

AI Profile Pic

Seeking Insights: Foreign Exchange Experiences for High School Students from BC

As parents, we strive to provide our children with opportunities that broaden their horizons and shape their personal growth. For many families in British Columbia, considering a foreign exchange program during the high school years is a significant decision. If you have a high school-aged child who has participated in such an experience, I would be grateful to hear about your journey.

The Importance of Cultural Immersion

Immersing oneself in a different culture is a transformative experience that can foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for diversity. By stepping out of their comfort zones and embracing new traditions, languages, and ways of life, students gain invaluable life lessons that extend far beyond the classroom.

Personal Growth and Independence

A foreign exchange program also cultivates independence and self-reliance. As young adults navigate unfamiliar environments and adapt to new surroundings, they develop resilience, problem-solving skills, and a heightened sense of self-awareness. These invaluable traits can serve them well throughout their academic and professional pursuits.

Share Your Experiences

If your family has had the opportunity to send a high school-aged child on a foreign exchange program, I would greatly appreciate your insights. What were the challenges and rewards? How did the experience shape your child's personal growth and cultural perspective? Any advice or recommendations you can share would be invaluable for families like mine considering this exciting opportunity.

By sharing your stories, you can provide valuable guidance and reassurance to those of us navigating this decision. Together, we can empower our children to embrace the richness of diverse cultures and embark on transformative journeys that contribute to their holistic development.

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