Friday, March 28th 2025

"I'm a travel junkie who's hooked on deals from airports that start with Y."

Which countries in Europe and Asia are unsafe for gay travelers?


Profile picture of Angela


My son is looking to travel soon and I’m
Nervous about him being gay and his safety . He’s going to Europe and Asia. Any gay people who have travelled a lot who have advice on where it is not safe to go please?

Humans say...

Profile picture of Sarah


Gord M

Profile picture of Nick


Ki Kimmerly

Profile picture of Francis


People can tell he's gay by looking at him?

Profile picture of Dan


Francis Tuazon why does that matter ?

Profile picture of Angela


Francis Tuazon his friend and he are travelling together and yes, there are moments where they are flamboyant . Anyone travelling is at risk, I just want to make extra sure that he is safe because there are horrid people in this world who are not accepting

Profile picture of Derek


I think he should plan an itinerary based on what he most wants to see and then look up lgbt travel advice based on each location. Every big city will be safe, but paying attention to travel guidelines in more rural areas should help him know when staying ‘stealth’ will simplify his plans.

Profile picture of Angela


Derek thanks Derek, appreciate the feedback

Profile picture of Ashley


As long as he is not too flamboyant, he will likely be fine anywhere. Both areas have gay people. If you can be more specific about locations, that would help with advice.

Profile picture of Angela


Ashley I agree and have told him this as well lol

Profile picture of Patricia


Ashley i

Profile picture of Melyssa


don't go to RUSSIA...

Profile picture of Angela


Melyssa yes Russia is most certainly off the list!

Profile picture of Janine


Berlin, Paris, Barcelona....all will welcome him with open arms. Also Prague and Copenhagen.

Profile picture of Gladys


I was recently in Vienna and my guide mentioned there's a pretty active gay scene there.

Profile picture of Angela


Gladys awesome!

Profile picture of Andi


Thailand was one of the safest places I've ever felt as a queer person. The only place I got hassled at all was Taiwan.
Just make sure he does research on the "laws" in whichever country he goes. It's still illegal in a few places in Asia and he just needs to be careful.

Profile picture of Angela


Andi Scout thank you!! Appreciate the feedback

Profile picture of Walker


Agreed! Thailand is incredible. I even went to Kuala Lumpur and felt 100% safe with my partner and felt zero discrimination even if the suburbs of KL.

Profile picture of Jenn



Profile picture of Julie


Has he travelled before? How old is he?

Profile picture of Angela


Julie he’s 23, his friend has travelled quite a bit and they’re going together . I’m just always concerned about making sure he’s safe. He’s travelled from South Africa to uk and then Canada, but he was younger

Profile picture of Leroy


I've done a lot of traveling in my late teens and early twenties as a gay man and I've never had any trouble. As long as he stays away from most African and middle Eastern countries he will be ok

Profile picture of Angela


Leroy thanks Leroy!!

Profile picture of David


You are a good mom to be worried. He should travel with the same caution as any other traveler. No matter where we travel or live in the world there are people who disapprove. Larger cities are great. Where in Asia is he going he should be aware of their laws and respect them and he'll be fine I travelled japan with my partner and it was a non issue

Profile picture of Angela


David thanks David, I adore him and his friends. While I am accepting of him being gay, I know there are assholes out there and want to just make sure he’s okay. Thanks for the advice

Profile picture of Thorney


David good advice for any traveller. Mom, he’s 23, and should at least be familiar of the customs of any place he visits, gay or straight or whatever. Public displays of affection between men and women are frowned upon in some corners of the world, even flamboyant ones! Respect the culture, whatever your orientation.

Profile picture of Sean


avoid russia and middle east. prob china too

Profile picture of Dan


Poland is a bit iffy. I was there last July and things have gotten worse since for LGBTQ.

Profile picture of Angela


Dan thank you! I’ll let him

Profile picture of Michael


Um first of all, Angela, this is the cutest post ever. So adorable that you’re looking out for him.
In Australia, we have a website which can be used by anyone called
Basically you can search by country and it tells you anything dangerous that might be happening in that country, etc.
So I recommend you, he and his friend spend some time looking through that.
I didn’t start travelling until I was 23 either, so his age is fine.
Their flamboyancy should be totally fine in major cities of Europe such as Paris and London and in Norway.
They should feel comfortable to be themselves and have fun, but I think gay or not, it’s smart to dial any kind of behaviour back until you know where you are and the vibe that’s going on in that place.
If it feels conservative, it probably is, and you should act accordingly so that you’re safe.
If you’re safe, then you’re bound to have the best experiences, because you know when and where you can let loose.
They both need to check in with the parentals every day or at least every second day.
Just a quick message, “hey mum, I just checked in here, I’m all good. Love ya.”
Why? Because anything can happen.
I got beaten and mugged by a bunch of dudes in Paris, the city of love! I ended up in hospital and didn’t do my daily check-in with mum, and so she knew something went wrong.
Not saying that to make you paranoid, but if you guys have a routine to keep in touch, then there’s a solid connection should anything planned go down.
Hope this helps!

Profile picture of Angela


Michael thanks Michael! Never thought of the check in , so thank you! And thank you for the advice, I’m sorry to hear of your awful experience and glad to hear your okay now?!

Profile picture of David


I have been all over the world. Asia is mostly safe, Id avoid regions of Indonesia, Philippines, China. Burma is a no go if visibly gay.
Western Europe is safe. All of it. Eastern Europe is opening up, but it’s taking some time.
I’m from Canada, and have had more hate thrown at me here, than anywhere. I am obviously gay (not flaming, normal but fem), my husband is always seen as straight. Just how it is.
The Netherlands and The Scandinavia are country’s have been safest. Oh, and Spain. Never once worried or thought anything.
Thailand has been wonderful as well both times I’ve been. Hong Kong is great, too many people to really take any notice of anyone. Japan was lovely. Some giggles, but nothing bad.
Feel free the PM me should you need more:)

Profile picture of Diane


David your post was awesome but I just wanted to say it made me so sad that you have had more hate here than anywhere else. I wish you nothing but peace, love and happiness with your hubby and I challenge all of us Canadians to do better to be tolerant, inclusive and respectful

Profile picture of Vibes


I completely disagree. Philippines is totally safe for gays! I’m Canadian-Filipino and I have LOTS of gay friends there who are very open, sometimes even dressing up as women. Philippines also have gay actors who are visibly - and proud to be - gay.
Philippines is very accepting. Not sure what happened to you there, if you have actually been. But I hope you go back and see how nice the people there are.

Profile picture of Angela


David thanks for the advice

Profile picture of Spencer


Thanks for being concerned Angela. Bigger city centers will be a non issue you're a great mom!

Profile picture of Angela


Spencer thank you

Profile picture of Catherin


Regular caution and not being too open in public. Enjoy his travel experience to the fullest for sure.

Profile picture of Gerri


Tell him to check out the government of Canada’s travel website for info and warnings for each country
Tell him to check under “laws and culture” that’ll let him know if it’s a country they should go to or not. Canada updates the info everyday
Home -

Profile picture of Angela


Gerri oh yes, I never thought of that! Thank you

Profile picture of Tiff


I recently celebrated pride in Amsterdam, very
friendly. same with Paris, Barcelona. hope he has the best trip. all always be vigilant while on vacation

Profile picture of Devyn


I have travelled all through Asia and I couldn't be any gayer and I didn't have one moment where I felt worried

Profile picture of Kayla


Devyn “I couldn’t be any gayer” haha I love how you phrased this

Profile picture of Devyn


Kayla just the truth! Lol

Profile picture of Angela


Devyn lol ... love it too! Glad you had a good time, I’m starting to feel a little better now! Thank you !

Profile picture of Cory


If he does research there’s tons of gay friendly places. Just don’t go to far off the beaten path is my only advice, stick to touristy areas. If he’s ever in Mexico tell him to go to puerto vallerta. One of the most gay friendly destinations around.

Profile picture of Deanna


PV is amazingly colourful

Profile picture of Angela


Cory thank you! Yes he’s been there and he loves it ! (I forgot he went there as well lol) except nobody realized he was gay and old ladies were trying to make out with him!

Profile picture of Melody


Asia is awesome Thailand he will have no problem

Profile picture of Vibes


Angela, visit Philippines. There’s gayness everywhere. Your son would have a good time!

Profile picture of Jeff


Alex Shill.... wanna chime in on this?......

Profile picture of Alison


Have your son check out the Nomadic Boys fb page. They have travelled everywhere and have great fun and advice for gay travellers!

Profile picture of Angela


Thanks Allison

Profile picture of Maryloo


You are so famous
Sebastien Chaneac !

Profile picture of Jen


Having just returned from Paris and the South of France, I don’t think there will be any problems whatsoever

Profile picture of Oxana


Luxembourg is more than safe!

Profile picture of Heidi


Thailand....very accepting.....

Profile picture of Peggy


I hope your son and his friend have a wonderful trip!

Profile picture of Vanita


As long as your not going to the Middle East you should be fine!

Profile picture of Vanita


And north korea

Profile picture of Eddie


even middle east is fine. just don't flaunt yourself. Many people in the middle east are so in denial about homosexuality anyway that they assume you're straight anyway. Middle east and eastern europe and caucuses are some of my favorite spots and all are homophobic!

Profile picture of Bob


Don’t go to Brunei.

Profile picture of Eve


lonely planet has a LGBT travellers section for most of their destinations.

Profile picture of Vanita


It would also depend on how open he is with his identity. For example, even though countries may be liberated, society may not approve of public affection among LGBT, and so some LGBT may remain more conservative in public when travelling abroad but attend LGBT specific events.

Profile picture of Angela


Vanita Prasad RedStar he won’t be affectionate. He is a smart young man, I just worry as a mom

Profile picture of Angela


Thank you everyone for all of your responses and insight!! I feel a lot better now

Profile picture of Anne


Awesome Mom.... your strength and love and insight , is with your son , every day.. Thank you for posting your loving concerns, so all of us, can be reminded , how to care for each other ..

Profile picture of Cathy


I appalls me how this is a concern in this day and age. How very sad

Profile picture of Angela


Cathy very sad indeed , I am just grateful that my I have a wonderful son who has opened my eyes to love and acceptance

Profile picture of Cathy


Angela Lee that's wonderful!!!!

Profile picture of Eddie


omg. anywhere.

Profile picture of David


My advice: avoid countries where religion is a strong influence on social policy: Western problem, hey, our Prime Minister (Ireland) Pakistan,

Profile picture of David


(Ireland) is gay.

Profile picture of Angela



Profile picture of David


Avoid overtly homophobic countries like Pakistan (Pakistani law criminalizes same-sex relationships). Cambodia, Hong Kong, Japan, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam are are very open and accepting.

Profile picture of Terry


Iceland - very welcoming

Profile picture of Angela


Terry thanks Terry, they are planning on goi g to Iceland

Profile picture of Terry


Angela Lee that's awesome! They will love it! I was there in 2017 and plan to go again in 2020.

Profile picture of Tanya


Amsterdam is VERY welcoming, I went when I was 25 and out and it was AMAZING

Profile picture of Tyson


Taiwan is very gay friendly. First country in Asia to legalize gay marriage.

A.I. says...

AI Profile Pic

Safety Tips for Gay Travelers

Traveling as a gay person can be an enriching and rewarding experience, but it's understandable to have concerns about safety, particularly in certain regions of the world. While most countries in Europe and Asia have made strides towards LGBTQ+ inclusivity, it's crucial to be aware of the local laws, customs, and attitudes toward the LGBTQ+ community.


In general, Western and Northern European countries like the United Kingdom, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Scandinavian nations are considered relatively safe and welcoming for gay travelers. However, it's still advisable to exercise caution and respect local customs, especially in more conservative or rural areas.


Asia is a vast and diverse continent with varying attitudes toward LGBTQ+ individuals. While some countries like Taiwan, Thailand, and parts of Japan are known for being relatively open and accepting, others can have strict laws and societal stigmas.

It's important to research the specific destination thoroughly before traveling. Countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and several Middle Eastern nations have laws that criminalize same-sex relationships. Even in more progressive countries like South Korea and China, public displays of affection between same-sex couples may be frowned upon.

General Safety Tips

  1. Research local laws and customs: Check the laws regarding LGBTQ+ rights and be mindful of cultural norms and attitudes.
  2. Use discretion: Avoid public displays of affection or discussing your sexual orientation in potentially unsafe areas.
  3. Stay aware of your surroundings: Be cautious in unfamiliar areas, especially at night, and trust your instincts if a situation feels unsafe.
  4. Connect with local LGBTQ+ organizations: They can provide valuable insights, resources, and recommendations for safe spaces and events.
  5. Consider LGBTQ+ friendly accommodations: Look for hotels, guesthouses, or homestays that are known for being LGBTQ+ friendly.
  6. Have emergency contacts: Keep contact information for local LGBTQ+ organizations, your country's embassy or consulate, and trusted friends or family readily available.

Ultimately, while there are some areas that may pose more challenges, the world is becoming increasingly open and accepting of LGBTQ+ individuals. With proper research, awareness, and precautions, your son can have a safe and enjoyable travel experience.

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