Friday, March 28th 2025

"I'm a travel junkie who's hooked on deals from airports that start with Y."

How can you alleviate jet lag when traveling to Japan?


Profile picture of Arsala


Flying from Vancouver to a Tokyo (direct)- how bad is the jet lag? What did you do to alleviate that? Please share your experiences! First time travelling to Japan and wondering whether to keep aside a day to overcome jet lag!!!! Will be landing at Narita around 5pm. Thanks so much.

Humans say...

Profile picture of Dave


Sleep on the plane. Then land and stay up till 10pm. Timezone is 17 hours off so nothing you can do but suck it up and eat Raman

Profile picture of Johnny


Jetlag wasn't bad at all. You wake up automatically around 6am. Just don't sleep too early.
Coming back was the hard part.

Profile picture of Danielle


Yea jetlag is unavoidable. Drink lots of water to keep hydrated and eat meals according to the time zone you are IN to "trick" your body in to thinking everything is as it should be. Get on a regular sleep/wake schedule as soon as possible.

Profile picture of Rosemary


I find flying in and out of NRT the easiest of all Asian flights. It’s the shortest flight over there so the easiest IMO. Drink loads of water.

Profile picture of Jen


This is the best arrival time to avoid jet lag altogether. By the time you reach your accommodation, you’ll have time to eat something and wander around a little. Go to bed at a “normal” time (don’t sleep/drink too much on the plane). The next day, just carry on!

Profile picture of Andrew


Flying there wont be a problem. Flying back will you'll arrive the same time you've left

Profile picture of Joe


sleep when its night time there, take melatonin if you have to

Profile picture of Arsala


Joshua S. Tolentino melatonin on the plane or once we get there??

Profile picture of Joe


and what others said going there isnt too bad...coming back youll definitely feel the jet lag. You might find youll sync with the time there easier...we have done many connecting flights to narita when travelling to manila and we usually get to narita at 5 and even if you sleep on plane youll be tired enough to sleep at japan time.

Profile picture of Gloria


Never had any issue with jet lag going to Asia. Your adrenaline kicks in once you get into the city. Had always gone to bed around 11pm the first few nights and your internal clock will adjust

Profile picture of Courtney


The minute you board the plane switch your internal time to your destination time. Ex. If you board here at 7am but its night time there force yourself to rest/sleep. If its night here but morning there make yourself stay awake! Always works for us!

Profile picture of Lucas


Never had an issue with jetlag flying into (or back) Japan. you could always upgrade to premium economy or business - for a more comfortable sleep if you like - but I stayed awake the entire flight over - watched two movies, then went to sleep at a normal hour on the other side. The flight to Japan seems to go faster than you realize. Sometimes going to Europe feels worse.

Profile picture of Sandra


I travel to South Korea (same time zone with Japan) every 2 years. Also landed around 5 - 5:30 p.m. ish. Jet lag when you land in Japan at 5 p.m. isnt too bad. You will wake up early for first few days but your body will adjust. Coming back to Canada has been harder and took long time to adjust.

Profile picture of Serena


I just did the same flight end of Dec, I slept on the plane and stayed up for a bit once we landed. First couple of nights I woke up a bit early but otherwise adjusted pretty quick, earplugs and an eye mask helps. Coming back was way worse

Profile picture of Jillian


Melatonin is a supplement you can buy in health food stores. You produce it naturally but as a supplement it aids and supports your body to regulate sleep patterns. I take it when I travel long distances (15+ hr flights) and don’t suffer with jet lag as much as when I don’t take it.

Profile picture of Scott


First few days in Tokyo will wake up at 3:00am every morning (guaranteed). Try and take a power nap 15-30 minutes in the afternoon. Flying to Tokyo is harder on my system as you leave in the afternoon and arrive in the afternoon. Flying back to Vancouver I find it easier as you leave Tokyo at 7pm and arrive in the morning

Profile picture of Randy


Jetlag depends on the person. I don't experience jetlag between YVR and Philippines very much at all. I almost consider it nothing

Profile picture of Hiroko


I would keep awake in airplane Also no sleep until night time in japan.will adjust so quick!

Profile picture of Cheryl


You'll be too excited to have jet lag once you arrive in much to do!
Coming back is a different story....stay awake as long as you can once you're home to get back on your normal sleep
I have a hard time sleeping on planes...couple of glasses of wine and a melatonin and I will sleep 3 hrs...

Profile picture of Tricia


Going- no problem but coming back to yvr was brutal. It took me a week to get back to normal!

Profile picture of Crystal


Tricia I second this! We were completely fine by day 2 in Japan, but it took us a week to get back to reality once we were home. We went for spring break last year and we returned the Sunday before school went back in. Kids ended up staying out for the first half of the week because they couldn’t sleep until 4am.

Profile picture of Tiffany


I drug myself and sleep the whole way

Profile picture of Candice


I just got back from a flight to china. This is what i do and it really helps! Download some podcasts (for later). When plane is in the air, watch a movie. Once movie is done get up and walk around or stand in an area while keeping your legs moving (this is where you listen to your podcast). Do this for at least an hour. Go sit down and sleep (if you have earplugs ...and eye mask this is awesome). Wake up. Go for a walk again. Listen to podcasts for about an hour. Sit. Watch a movie. Repeat process until you land. Getting the nap and moving around really helps!!

Profile picture of Sharon


Candice people get so annoyed when you walk back and forth but its a good idea. I once stood or walked the whole flight back home from Mexico. Restless leg syndrome and i had forgotten my folic acid.

Profile picture of Amy


It really depends on individuals, I don't have jetlag. My trick is as soon as I get ok a plane, I only think the destination time. If it is night, sleep; if it is day, stay awake.

Profile picture of Arsala


Thank you all for such amazing advice!

Profile picture of Jan


We are going to Tokyo in May - did you find a decent airfare?

Profile picture of Dani


I try and sleep as much as possible on any flight b/c i hate flying anyway, but once I land I have a STRICT no sleeping until a reasonable time the first night rule. I'm so tired by that point it's easy to sleep no matter what time it is at home, and then I get a good sleep and am pretty well flipped around. This came from my uncle who has lived in Tokyo for 35 years and travels a LOT without getting jetlag. I also lived in Japan for a few years, flying from YVR (Victoria girl) and that always worked for me. By the time you land, get your stuff, eat some food, find wherever you're staying (esp if it's right in Tokyo), you'll be at 8 or 9 anyway, walking around Roppongi or through Shibuya crossing should keep you awake for a little while after that and you'll be good

Profile picture of Sharon


Coming back is worse! Drink LOTS of water.

Profile picture of Brenda


Agreed, I've never had jet lag flying East.

Profile picture of Tomoko


I go all the time. It’s way worse when you come back. Try to sleep on the flight going over. Stay up until 9-10pm and go to bed. You will be likely up around 5am but ready to go for the day. Jet lag is not too bad going over.

Profile picture of Ashley


Keep moving once you get there! I haven’t been to Japan, but flew Vancouver to Hong Kong. I had an 11 hour layover there, and went straight into town. I think I walked 18km that day, and just pushed through the jet lag. I then took a flight to Bangkok. Took about a week before I stopped waking up at 4:30am every morning.

Profile picture of Dian


It was an easy flight for us. We arrived there around 6?? there time. (long drive into Toyko) but we went for a walk , found a noodle house to eat, and walked and explored some more. Everything was so new and exciting it wasn't hard to stay up until around 10 for bedtime.

Profile picture of Larissa


5 pm is the best for landing. By the time you go through customs and make it to Tokyo itself it will be probably closer to 7-8 pm (about an hour if not more to Tokyo from airport). Then you have to go out to eat (obviously :)) and then you can easily go to bed at 10 pm. Honestly, you are very lucky with this landing time.

Profile picture of Jade


I find taking some gravol helps me sleep/stay asleep for the first day or two. usually that is good enough for me to switch over.

Profile picture of Sam


Fly on cramp economy class seat, when you arrive, you arrive tired. Fly business class with lie flat seat, you arrive refreshed.

Profile picture of Andy


Going there isn’t a problem I find. If you take a red eye and can sleep, even better. But coming home, horrible.

Profile picture of Arsala


Now I’m less worried about getting there and more worried about coming back
I’ll be returning Sunday in the morning and I have to be at work Monday !!

Profile picture of Elizabet


Arsala Wajahat I booked coming home the same. I went to Thailand (from Vanc) and I didnt think it would affect me coming back but it did, drastically. I was dragging my bottom around for 4 days until I finally slept for 12 hrs.

Profile picture of Gloria


Arsala Wajahat keep yourself busy after you get back til around 8pm. Then you may just crash and wake up more or less regular hours. It usually takes me a few days to get rid of the jet lag coming home

Profile picture of Katie


When we got back my kids and 1 literally slept from 8pm until 4pm the next day
and then were awake at 2am every day for a week and I felt like I had been hit by a bus lol Hopefully your job isn't that "important" lol (messing up people's finances or organs I mean)

Profile picture of Ron


The jet lag wont bother you to muck going to Japan but you will have problems when you return home with jet lag.

Profile picture of Amanda


I had very minimal on the way to Japan but on the way home, it took me 6 days to recover. (was away for 35 Days). They claim it can take up to half the amount of time you were gone to recover. So I feel 6 days is really not bad! From what I read each person handles jet lag different and there are some steps you can take to minimize jet lag.
We flew with All Nippon in the basic economy and all I can say is WOW! The seats were so comfy and easy to sleep in the seats slide back instead of just the back falling back. Which made less of an impact on the person behind you. There is also a footrest that helps if you are short. It has extra leg room. The staff was incredible. They served sooooo much food and all drinks (Including Alcoholic drinks) which were all included. Their entertainment selection was awesome. Plus had a spot to plug in your phone to charge or an option to plug in a device that had movies saved on it.
We would happily fly All Nippon everytime if its possible!

Profile picture of David


1) Compression socks
2) avoid booze and caffeine
3) Oxygen drops (you can buy them at MEC)
4) upgrade to a seat with more leg room, if you can’t, get an aisle seat.
5) start adjusting your time a few days before, by a couple hours a day.
6) Get into sunshine as soon as possible. Stay awake till at least 9:30pm at your destination.

Profile picture of Jan


Greg Turnbull would be the perfect person to ask in my opinion. I think he is pretty seasoned with travelling to Japan and back.

Profile picture of Marlene


I have had no problems going to Asia from Vancouver, whether Economy or Business class. Returning home is when I have felt jet lagged
I have flown Beijing, Taipei,Tokyo and Thailand
Take sleeping med first 3 days after returning

Profile picture of Anna


I second all those that say the jet lag back is worse. If you can stay up until 9-10pm japan time you should be okay and just wake up around 5 or 6am. So you can get a good start.

Profile picture of Sonja


Rest upon arrival. Don’t overdo activity for the first day.

Profile picture of Patrick


The family went last year. The first few days we were all awake by around 3:00am.

Profile picture of Fiona


You won't have problem going there. It's the coming back that is difficult

Profile picture of Debbie


The time change wasnt too bad

Profile picture of Luene


Try to sleep on the plane as much as possible. I didn't have a jetlag problem travelling east, but some do.

Profile picture of Chris


Hard liquor is your friend.

Profile picture of Leanne


Chris worst thing to do!

Profile picture of Amanda


I pulled an all-nighter before a 6am flight and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I took some thc gummies to help with the sleep and I was out for most of the flight. Gravol works too!

Profile picture of Gord


What a genious Take illegal drugs thru security and on a plane

Profile picture of Amanda


I wasn't carrying 'drugs' on me. I ingested a perfectly light dose of legal THC. Nothing illegal about it Gord. Worked like a charm!

Profile picture of Kaori


I just returned from Japan last week, and I have still jet lag.....Going to Japan is no problem, but coming back to Vancouver is always problem for me
16hours different time is hard....I still wake up at 1:30am and I can't go back to sleep until 6am
and sleepy all day
It takes at least 1week to adjust for me.

Profile picture of Lynne


We have gone twice. The flight isn’t bad. Get an early night first night and go on day 2. We have not found it an issue. First time we allowed the first day for jet lag and we didn’t need it. Coming home is a different story

Profile picture of Greg


flying there was easy, flying back was when I felt some jet lag. I landed at Narita at the same time, got to my hotel, had a shower, went for a walk to get some dinner, fell asleep around 11 pm Japan time. Woke up the next morning ready to go.

Profile picture of Lisa


Saw some excellent sunrises those first few days in Japan as we were up soooo early. Upon return home to Vancouver it took a good week to come around, but so worth it.

Profile picture of Katie


I took jetlag pills and felt 100% fine as well as my 5 & 8b year olds were ready to rock like normal the next day. We didn't sleep on the flight and then went to bed like normal in Tokyo and got right onto their schedule. . the way back I felt like death for 2 weeks though but I think that's normal esp after being SO busy for 2 weeks. Have fun!!

Profile picture of Meaghan



Profile picture of Pam


Meaghan Hawes funny story - it’s a banned substance in Japan! They took it out if my suitcase!! I couldn’t figure out where it was when we got there then googled it. Sure enough, its banned!

Profile picture of Casorso


Check out the Timeshifter app

Profile picture of Debbie


I have done van-australia and vice versa plus Asia. The best way to decrease jet lag is no matter what time you arrive stay up as long as possible to the evening and than go to bed. Orientate yourself straight back into nights and days.

Profile picture of Lauren


We arrived at our hotel around 4 or 5 pm. Plan was to push through and explore a bit at night and go to sleep at an early but reasonable time. In actuality we fell asleep immediately, lost the entire evening and the whole night, and just woke up super early the next day ready to go! It actually worked out well.

Profile picture of Brad


I find it pretty easy flying west. The flight isn't terribly long, a little over 9. I guess it depends when your flight leaves, but I followed the sunshine. Landed just at dusk. Kept my eyes open until about 8pm. Fell asleep and woke at 4:45am and explore the empty streets. It was awesome.

Profile picture of Pam


Stay up as long as you possibly can to get on their time. Seems to work best for us. The excitement keeps ya going. And then just suffer at home and use melatonin. Its all part of the experience. Lol. Melatonin is banned in Japan. Ours was confiscated there- taken out of my checked luggage. Also, when u arrive, they stand at the top of the escalator and take your temperature. Just don’t be alarmed about that. Kinda shocked us.

Profile picture of Sylvia


Pam that did not happen to us at all. I had melatonin and they never took that, nor did we have our temperatures taken.

Profile picture of Sylvia


We have just returned. Flying to Tokyo we only arrived in the evening so had a good sleep and were able to start the next morning quite early. If you arrive in the day, try and stay awake until bedtime and that should help. Coming home was tough getting over the jet lag. Enjoy your trip. Tokyo is great and Japan is the most wonderful country.

Profile picture of Debs


Arsala out of curiosity which airline are you flying with? I’m looking to go in April and am struggling to find decent flights. Im doing multi city though: Vancouver to Tokyo and then Osaka back to Vancouver.

Profile picture of Arsala


Debby Fu air canada - flying into and out of Narita

Profile picture of Michelle


Debby Fu ANA is awesome!

Profile picture of Tami


Arriving at 5PM is perfect, try not to sleep too much on the flight. Once you've checked into your accommodations and eaten some food, you'll be ready for bed. I'm guessing it'll be close to 9-9:30 PM, which means you can go to bed.

Profile picture of Melody


Took this exact flight to Tokyo and didn't have any issues. The flight, service, amenities (even economy) were really good. However, jet-lag depends upon each person. I find the best way to mitigate this is to drink plenty of water (keep hydrated) and change your time to Tokyo time when you board the plane so you can adjust to destination time. By the time you land at 5pm, get your luggage, make your way to your lodging and grab some will be the perfect time to sleep. I awoke the next morning at regular time. Don't worry too much and have a great trip.

Profile picture of Emily


Get some 5mg melatonin for sleep aids when you arrive. It’s a natural product!

Profile picture of Miranda


We took this same flight when we traveled there!
Arrived at 5pm Tokyo time, and went straight to bed. Woke up super early the next day to explore.
Tokyo in the very early morning is like nothing else!
Once you adjust to their time, you'll never see it that quiet and empty again
Jealous. Japan is my favourite country of all time!

Profile picture of Sue


I absolutely swear on No Jetlag pills from a natural foods store.

Profile picture of Arsala


Sue is that a real thing? Can you please let me know which store to look for these?

Profile picture of Jo



Profile picture of Rebecci


A pilot friend of ours gave us some great advice a few years ago....
To avoid jetlag, DO NOT consume ANY alcohol or caffeine pre-, during, or post-flight. I know it's a drag to not have that cup of coffee or glass of wine but it really works!!! Alcohol & caffeine are super de-hydrating & only increase jetlag symptoms. Skip them & drink lots of water during your flight & you will notice a HUGE difference!!! Good luck!

Profile picture of Philip


When I fly to Asia(18-22hrs)I always plan on sleeping on the plane based on the arrival city. Using eye mask, ear plugs and sometimes melatonin.

Profile picture of Michelle


More jetlag coming home

Profile picture of Tamara


Way worse jet lag going home. Awaking early in Tokyo is not a bad thing.. actually amazing. Enjoy!

Profile picture of Joanne


You go 2-3 days early!

Profile picture of Steph


Stay awake as long as you can!

Profile picture of Cassandr


Switch your clock immediately on getting on the plane . If you would be sleeping in Tokyo then sleep on the plane - if you leave here at night but it’s daytime there stay awake . The sooner you switch the easier it is . Just don’t “take a nap” push through the first 24hours

Profile picture of Carla


Stay well that top from a pilot. If arriving at 5pm then I suggest you go to bed in evening using their time zone. Take a light sleep aid if needed. Should adjust seamlessly.

Profile picture of Alina


I always try to push through and adopt whatever time zone I’m in. If I arrive super early AM then I will time myself for a 1 hour afternoon nap, if I arrive afternoon/evening then I just stay up it’s bedtime. Take it easy the first day you land unless you are feeling super energetic and want to see it all.

Profile picture of Deb


If you are lucky enough to be on a 787 - you will be much better off on the other end. Amazing airplane and the combination of better seats, more legroom, bigger windows and regular air circulation make a huge difference. Drink lots of water. No alcohol. You will be fine.

Profile picture of Wanda


My family (husband & adult children) grudgingly went to Sheepworld (near Auckland) with me last year. To their surprise they really enjoyed it!! Not worth going if you don't go to the show or aren't interested in sheep farming, herding dogs etc.
Shows & Times

Profile picture of Yasmin


Depends on how old you are
. If you’re over 40, definitely keep a day aside for sleep

Profile picture of LE


Going is fine. Returning take melatonin to get you back on schedule for a couple nights.

A.I. says...

AI Profile Pic

Beating Jet Lag on Your Flight from Vancouver to Tokyo

Jet lag can be a real challenge when traveling across multiple time zones, and the flight from Vancouver to Tokyo is no exception. With a time difference of 16 hours, your body's internal clock will need some time to adjust to the new rhythm.

My Experience

During my recent trip to Japan, I landed in Narita around 5 pm after a direct flight from Vancouver. While I was excited to explore the country, I could feel the effects of jet lag almost immediately. My body craved sleep, and I felt sluggish and disoriented.

To combat this, I made a conscious effort to stay awake until a reasonable bedtime in Japan. This meant pushing through the fatigue and resisting the urge to nap. I spent the evening exploring the area around my hotel, grabbing a light meal, and staying active.

Tips for Alleviating Jet Lag

  1. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can exacerbate jet lag symptoms, so make sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your flight.
  2. Get Some Sunlight: Exposure to natural light helps your body adjust to the new time zone. Try to spend some time outside during daylight hours.
  3. Adjust Your Sleep Schedule: A few days before your trip, gradually adjust your sleep schedule to match the time zone you'll be in. This can help your body acclimate more smoothly.
  4. Stay Active: While you might feel tempted to sleep, staying active and moving around can help you adjust more quickly.
  5. Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol: These substances can disrupt your sleep patterns and make jet lag worse.

Should You Keep a Day Aside?

While everyone's experience with jet lag is different, it's generally a good idea to keep your first day in Japan relatively light. Plan for some rest and relaxation, but also try to stay active and acclimate to the new time zone. Personally, I found that by the second day, I had mostly adjusted and was ready to fully embrace the adventures that Japan had to offer.

Remember, jet lag is temporary, and with some proactive measures, you can minimize its impact and make the most of your time in the Land of the Rising Sun.

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