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Where can I find a list of required vaccines for Asia travel?


Profile picture of Vicki


Does anyone know where I can find what vaccines are required when travelling to Asia?

Humans say...

Profile picture of Vicki


Going to Vietnam, Cambodia & Thailand February/2018.

Profile picture of Melissa


U should visit your doctor fot vaccine records or visit a travel clinic

Profile picture of Melissa


Bring mosquito repellent. Deet is the only answer

Profile picture of Melissa


Loveddd all of these countries. I do think I left part of my heart behind LOL

Profile picture of Melissa


I can tell u what vaccs my doc gave me, but u really should find out whether your vaccs are up to date.

Profile picture of Melissa


I wouldn't bother with the malaria pill. It'll make you very sick, and on top of that... It isn't very effective. Best to load up on mosquito repellent. 30%deet+. You can also buy the pink bottle, "floral" smelling mosquito repellent @ any 7-11 when you are over there!!!! That stuff was very effective, and wasn't offensive-smelling

Profile picture of Heather


Visit a travel
Clinic with professionals qualified to give advice

Profile picture of Lisa


Make an appointment with a travel medical clinic!

Profile picture of Paulette


Check on Canadian government travel website, tell you waht you need for various countries

Profile picture of Terri


A travel clinic. There's one at London Drugs Ironwood. Or, at least there used to be. Check first!

Profile picture of Andrew


Travel to thailand first. Can get all the shots for a fraction of the price.

Profile picture of Vicki


Unfortunately that's not an option. We've got a set itinerary.

Profile picture of Russ


Go now. Some vaccines take a few months to apply!

Profile picture of Marilyn


Travel Clinic. They know what is required and will give the vaccines on the spot. Bring whatever vaccine record you have. Also they can prescribe anti malaria and sell mos nets etc.

Profile picture of Kayc


CDC website!

Profile picture of Raman

Home -

Profile picture of Bobby


Lived in Asia 7 Years never had one !vaccines are terrible read natural news

Profile picture of Chuck


Take dukoral before you go

Profile picture of Joanne

Joanne and type in travel vaccines

Profile picture of Linh


We just went in July and got the Twinrex and Typhoid shots. Also took Dukoral leading up to our trip as well as brought a prescription medication in case we did get sick. We were fine!

Profile picture of Paul


Try London drugs Vacation pharmasist

Profile picture of Marilyn


I am one of the few. I was bitten by a street dog in Thailand. Did all the rabies shots while travelling and upon return to Canada. Don't mess around with dog bites. You don't need rabies shot before you go unless you are going to be remote ( no access to doctors) or working with animals.

Profile picture of Ravi


Profile picture of Michelle



Profile picture of Sara


Book at the London Drugs travel clinic at Georgia and Granville. They are great there.

Profile picture of Vicki


Thanks everyone. Looks like lots of options & opinions. Was hoping though not to have to pay someone to tell me what is required. But if I have to I will. Looking at a few of the sites, if what I'm reading is correct, nothing is actually "required". Several though are highly recommended. Luckily I have a few months before we go.

Profile picture of Michael


Public health...for VN the most important is Hep A

Profile picture of Michael


You can get jabs in NHA Trang at the Pasteur institute, as far as I know

Profile picture of Michele

Michele travel medicine and vaccination centre website.
Travel Medicine and Vaccination Clinic - Vancouver & 18 locations in BC

Profile picture of Cheryl


Load of crap
sorry to say. My son paid over 200$ for meds first trip to Asia. Nothing the next two trips, was there for months. I’m going in Jan/March 2018 and I have an auto immune disease. My doctor
said I’d be fine, just be careful and take an antibiotic with you, just in case.
In 10 years of travelling to an assortment of countries and only needed them once. Each trip consisting of 6 weeks.
It’s a cash cow for travellers who aren’t aware!
Is My thoughts!

Profile picture of Andrew


I agree Ive spent over a thousand now. Just to find out that you can get all the shots in Thailand for a fraction of the price. Im only missing JE now and the travel clinic is charging 500+. Planning to get it in thailand for like 20 usd

Profile picture of Kristin


Talk to a travel clinic

A.I. says...

AI Profile Pic

Where to Find Vaccine Requirements for Travel to Asia

When travelling to Asia, it is important to be aware of the vaccine requirements for the countries you will be visiting. These requirements can vary depending on the country, so it is important to do your research before you travel.

There are a number of resources available online that can provide you with information on the vaccine requirements for Asia. One of the best resources is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC website provides a list of the recommended vaccines for travel to each country in Asia, as well as information on where to get these vaccines.

Another good resource for information on vaccine requirements is the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO website provides a list of the required vaccines for each country in Asia, as well as information on where to get these vaccines.

In addition to these online resources, you can also contact your local travel clinic for information on vaccine requirements. Travel clinics can provide you with personalized advice on the vaccines you need based on your travel plans.

It is important to note that vaccine requirements can change at any time, so it is important to check the latest information before you travel. You can find the latest information on vaccine requirements on the CDC website or the WHO website.

Additional Tips for Travellers

  • Make sure to get your vaccines well in advance of your trip. Some vaccines require multiple doses, so it is important to start the vaccination process early.
  • Bring a copy of your vaccination record with you when you travel. This will help you to prove that you have been vaccinated if you are asked.
  • Be aware of the symptoms of vaccine-preventable diseases. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

By following these tips, you can help to protect yourself from vaccine-preventable diseases when travelling to Asia.

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