Friday, October 18th 2024

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How Can We Continue Our Travel Adventures with a Baby?


Profile picture of Bonnie


My husband and I were avid travellers pre-baby(India,china,Cambodia,Nepal, Mexico, Costa Rica, Vietnam.. the list goes on). Our little guy is now 6 months and I'm itching to get back out there. I'm looking for suggestions on somewhere warm, great food, and that will allow us to feel our love of adventure and travel again- but recognize it may not be as exotic as our trips once were as safety and health are high on the priority list. We are thinking of having a second babe somewhat soon so anywhere with Zika is out. We aren't huge hikers and haven't been crazy about all inclusive.
Suggestions and reassurance that our adventure and love of travel doesn't have to end are welcome

Humans say...

Profile picture of Elaine


New Zealand is awesome. Not sure how long of trip you are looking to do.

Profile picture of Peter


Thailand. Totally safe for babies. We saw a ton of Canadians there with kids. Daycare is available most places too

Profile picture of Kellyann


We were avid travellers to! But did Cuba all inclusive to test drive travelling so to speak (test out how much luggage we needed, what supplies are actually needed, how he travels, and how comfortable we were with him on a trip) it was totally worth it in terms of realizing we completely over packed and what's necessary for a bigger trip.
I'm thinking Greece on our next maternity/paternity leave.
No zika. Croatia is beautiful and cheap!
I wouldn't hesitate to do Indonesia or Thailand with a baby but especially during rainy season when it's a tad cooler!

Profile picture of Peter


Yeah avoid April. It hit 45 last year when we were there

Profile picture of Kellyann


Profile picture of Lee


Hawaii is a very good option with kids. All the wonderful things of a tropical place but the conveniences of a first world country!
As for the light at the end of the tunnel - I too, was an avid traveler pre-kids (I now have 2) - when our first was 3, thanks to wonderful grandparents he had a vacation for one week with my parents so my husband and I could celebrate his 40th birthday at Oktoberfest in Germany, when our oldest was 5, and our youngest was 1, they again stayed with grandparents so we could celebrate our 10th anniversary in France. This year, when my oldest is 8, the youngest (who is now 3) will stay with grandparents and the oldest will come with us to Argentina over spring break! If you have support, you can still swing some fun vacations until they're a little older when they can come along! Don't worry, it won't take as long as you think!
P.S. We did Dominican Republic with my oldest when he was about 19 months and I will never travel with a child between the ages of 6 months and 2 years!! Too much change to their routine and just wasn't fun or relaxing. That said - everyone's kids are different but that was my experience.

Profile picture of Sarah


We did a month in Costa Rica and 3 weeks in Ireland when our daughter was under a year. Definitely worth it, you just have to change how you travel a bit. Note that pretty much every tropical country has Zika now though (including Thailand, Indo)... you will have to go subtropical or Hawaii, or somewhere where it is summer.

Profile picture of Jena


Sarah Hey! I see that this response is two years old, but would you mind if I messaged you about Costa Rica with a baby? That exactly what I was looking into!

Profile picture of Sarah


Jena of course!

Profile picture of Cassandr


My friend went to Spain with her little one and everything was super kid friendly.

Profile picture of Victoria


We did Italy and Greece with a 4 month old!! It was great, transportation with trains etc was great! We didn't take a stroller just the baby carrier and wore him everywhere!
I found younger was good timing because their nap schedule allows them to adjust to time difference and if your still nursing quite a bit this was a good way for us to know our little one would be happy with the usual!!

Profile picture of Mona



Profile picture of Cassandr


I didn't find Japan kid friendly. I went there when my daughter was 3 and there was not a lot for kids. The only thing I thought would be kid friendly was Disneyland and Universal.

Profile picture of Pooja


We did Thailand with our 18 month old, it was a awesome trip.

Profile picture of Maz


Have you ever been to South Korea? Don't know their zika situation, but it's great for beach camping, cool cties, awesome views and great food.

Profile picture of Bridget


Morocco! Safe, exciting, lots to do and inexpensive! You won't find change tables anywhere! or a lot of high chairs available except in the major tourist cities most hotels etc could provide a playpen for sleeping etc but overall we had a great time and our kids loved it. Ages at the time were 9 months, 6 and 12 year olds.

Profile picture of Margaret



Profile picture of Wendy


Perth, WA. Beautiful beaches, snorkelling, penguin
island park, Caversham wildlife park. Safe to drink the water! After a month in SE Asia was happy to drink from the tap!

Profile picture of Bonnie


Thanks all for the suggestions and encouragement!

Profile picture of Melissa


We went to Australia with a 2 year old and a 10 week old. Rented a campervan and traveled around. We could go at our own pace, stopping when we needed, sleeping when we needed (you can camp pretty much anywhere there!) It was a great trip!

Profile picture of Sarah


I have a question for you- did it get too hot for the littlest to sleep in the camper van? What area? What month did u go?

Profile picture of Melissa


We were gone may through July, so their winter. Wasn't too hot or too cold! There were some nights it was +25° when we opened windows and some nights -5° when we used more blankets but definitely tolerable

Profile picture of Melissa


We were all.over except the western side, started in Sydney, drove to Canberra, then Melbourne then along the ocean road, up through the outback, across to the coast and the great barrier reef and down the coast to Sydney again.

Profile picture of Laura


Morocco. India. why not? No reason to stop !! Morocco you will have women fussing over your wee one. Food great and doesn't break budget. India same.

Profile picture of Amy


New Zealand would be a good one for you!

Profile picture of Marie-Ev



Profile picture of Tiffany


Morocco, Japan, Thailand, Bali, anywhere in Africa (we have done Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia with kids), Ethiopia or Uganda also great!

Profile picture of Miriam


Hawaii is a great way to get back into travelling with a new family. That's how we did it!

A.I. says...

AI Profile Pic

Travel Suggestions for Parents with Young Children

As parents with a 6-month-old baby, it's completely understandable that you're itching to get back out there and explore the world again. While your travel priorities may have shifted slightly now that you have a little one, there are still plenty of amazing destinations that can offer you warmth, great food, and a sense of adventure.

Since you mentioned that safety and health are high on your priority list, it's wise to avoid areas with Zika. Fortunately, there are many beautiful destinations that are Zika-free and perfect for families.

One suggestion for your next family adventure could be Hawaii. With its stunning beaches, delicious food, and opportunities for outdoor activities like snorkeling and exploring volcanoes, Hawaii offers a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure. Plus, the island's lush landscapes and friendly locals make it a great destination for families with young children.

If you're looking for a more off-the-beaten-path destination, consider Costa Rica. While you've already been there before, Costa Rica offers a wide range of activities that are perfect for families, such as wildlife spotting, zip-lining, and relaxing on beautiful beaches. The country's commitment to eco-tourism also means that you can explore its natural beauty while minimizing your impact on the environment.

Remember, just because you have a baby now doesn't mean that your sense of adventure and love of travel have to end. With a bit of planning and flexibility, you can continue to explore the world and create new memories as a family.

Safe travels!

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